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The two remaining days were spent in the hospital as usual with Hoseok whinning a lot about how bored he gets despite the frequent visits of his friends. And the day he was finally getting discharged he was practically beaming. Yoongi was pushing the wheelchair the latter was sitting in.

"Home sweet home." exclaimed the younger happily once they entered the mansion.
"Welcome home sunshine." Yoongi said sweetly.
"I can finally sleep in a comfortable bed now, my back is all sore due to sleeping in a chair all week." he joked.
"Last time I remember it was you who refused to go home and sleep when I told you to do so and it was YOUR personal decision that led to the sore back." the younger quipped back sassily making Yoongi laugh.
He missed this so much.
They had a peaceful dinner together and then went to bed.

The duo was sitting together in bed, leaning against each other. Hoseok had his head placed on Yoongi's shoulder and the older was gently playing with his fingers.
"Yoongi." he whispered barely audible.
"Yes sunshine." replied the older.
"I..m I..." Hoseok chocked on his words, tears welling up in his eyes.
"I'm so sorry." he mumbled.
Yoongi turned around to face him without letting go of his hand.
"Hey sunshine, it's ok, you don't have to be sorry. It wasn't your fault, you were scared." he assured the younger who was now crying uncontrollably.
"I'm so sorry for running away like that. You must have been so angry, you must have felt so betrayed." the younger said with disgust directed towards himself.
"To be honest I was angry and I was confused. I get you were scared but if you have just told me the truth then none of this would have happened, you wouldn't have gotten injured. I almost lost you."
Yoongi's voice had given out in the end, tears filling his own eyes. Even the thought of loosing the younger was unbearable for him.
Hoseok's body was shaking with unsupressed sobs.
"I was scared for you Yoongi-ah, I did not want you hurt. I thought he would take you away from he like he took Minhan. I was just so scared I'm so sorry."
The older held his face in his own hands, wiping the tears that flowed from those big doe eyes.
The latter found him looking in his eyes with so much love and he thought how he deserved none of it.
"Sunshine, who was Minhan?" asked the older in a gentle voice and he froze. He had never told him about Minhan.
Yoongi saw him tensing up.
"You don't have to answer that right now." he assured, rubbing circles on the younger's cheecks, who shook his head as a NO.
After composing himself for a few moments he finally spoke.
"Minhan was my.......boyfriend." 
A tiny wave of jeoulsy ran through the other male's body.
"Syeongul, he...he killed him."

To say Yoongi was stunned wouldn't be an understatement. He looked at Hoseok who was crying again.
"He killed him right infront of me. He said that it was distracting me from my work. He made me watch as he stabbed him to death."
Suddenly Yoongi remebered something the latter had said before when he was trying to rescue him.
I'm the root of all these problems, you'll be safe once I'm out of your life.
So that's why he had said that, Yoongi didn't know then but he understood it all now. He instantly brought the latter in an embrace.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through all that sunshine, I'm so sorry."
His heart ached thinking how much Hoseok had suffered and he had no idea about it. His mind then went to Syeongul, rage filling him. That bastard deserved even worse death than what he got. He wanted to bring him back to life just to kill him again, this time more painfully than before.
All these thoughts were running in his mind but he said nothing, just held the latter securely in his arms. As time passed Hoseok's tears stopped but he still sobbed ocassionaly.
"How did Syeongul die?'' he asked.
"It's a long story, you sure you want to listen." warned Yoongi.
The latter looked at him with determined eyes, "Tell me, I want to know."

Flashback ⚠️-
Yoongi, Taehyung, Namjoon and Jungkook got out from the car with their bodygaurds. They were outside the city, inside a forest. It was dark and the atmonsphare was eerie.
"Bring him out." ordered Yoongi. Two gaurds proceeded to drag a tied up Syeongul out of the van and threw him in front of the four leaders. A man then haded Jungkook a baseball bat.
"Remember, don't kill and just two hits." reminded the oldest and the youngest grinned evily.
Jungkook dragged the bat towards Syeongul who was trying to back away as much as he can in his restrains. Without warning he slammed the bat in his ribs and a crack was heard, the bodygaurds cringed at the sound of the breaking bone. Syeongul coughed up blood curling on himself. The next hit was aimed on his left leg and he screamed when Jungkook broke his ankle. The latter then passed the bat to Taehyung, who then proceeded to hit the man right on his right arm, effectively breaking it.
"Untie him." ordered Yoongi to his gaurds after they were done. He lit a cigerrate and placed it between his lips taking a deep huff, watching Syeongul wincing in pain. The latter tried getting up but Namjoon kicked him hard in the stomach, and he rolled over groaning in pain.

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