Chapter One: June 28th, 1914

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Sarajevo, Serbia..



In just two shots of a Fabrique Nationale Model 1910, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie had been killed by an assassin named Gavrilo Princip, member of the terroristic group known as 'The Black Hand'..

Austria-Hungary, enraged by the loss of the Archduke, made a list of demands to Serbia, where the assassination had taken place..

Serbia agreed to all but one demand, which would have violated their sanctity as an independant nation..

Despite the requests to not declare war by a few German diplomats, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia for the assassination of the Archduke..

Without months, due to alliances, militarism, imperialism, and overblown nationalism, many other nations entered the conflict that would soon be known as the Great War..

You were living a simple life when it all happened. You were an American, named (Y/N) (L/N). Your family had moved from America to England when you were eleven years old. Originally, you were meant to move back to America in 1912, but missed your ship..

That ship had been the infamous RMS Titanic..

Your family had taken that tragedy as an omen, so you stayed in England for a few more years. You'd found employment in a local butcher shop, cutting up meat into pieces that would be displayed and sold. It was a peaceful little job, and you were decent at it..

It was simple. Cut the meats into slabs and slices for either display, or for a customer order. Just keep the knives sharp, keep the meat cold, and watch your cuts..

You were only seventeen years old, born in early 1897..

As the war raged in France, your older brother, Charles, was killed. Angered by the loss of your brother, you decided to enlist, against your parents' wishes. You lied about your age, saying you were eighteen..

Your father was horrified.. 

Your mother never stopped crying..

Before long, you were carted off just like the rest to join the rest of the volunteers..

Goodbye, England..

Hello, France..

[REMASTERED] - Love on a Battlefield - (Walt x Male!Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя