Chapter Three: Deployment

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February 3rd, 1915.

The day had finally come. 

You stood there at the docks, eyeing the ship that would be transporting you to France. It was an old ship, Apparently, it had been an ocean liner before war broke out. Now, the Royal Navy had taken it and fitted it out as a transport vessel.

With only your uniform and whatever supplies you were allowed, you boarded with many other young men. Young men who had no idea what was going to happen to them. Families and onlookers waved to people on the decks as the whistle on the ship sounded.

Before you realized it, you were off. The ship sailed, quite-literally. There was no going back until you were done. There was no going back until they said you were done. Off you went to join British and French soldiers, fighting the Huns.

The trail was not very calming. The seas threw a heavy storm your way, making you seasick and miserable. You never liked being on boats. You got seasick very easily. You lost count of the amount of times you vomitted over the railing of the ship. You hated this. This was not a good time.

It took much longer than expected. The storm delayed the ship quite a bit. It was worse every day. The seasickness. The storm. The delays. You were goddamn miserable.

Finally, after the ship made its way through the storm, you and the others finally arrived in France. You weren't sure where in France, but you knew you were in France from all of the French soldiers waiting at the docks. 

Gangways were extended, and you were all herded off of the ship, and down onto the docks. You were an American, fighting for the British, in France because a Serbian killed an Austro-Hungarian..

What a world to live in..

None-the-less, you were loaded into the back of a truck and handed a rifle, bayonet, and pack. It wasn't the gear you used in your training, but it was the basic gear you had been trained to use. A Lee Enfield NO.1 MK3 SMLE with a P1907 Enfield bayonet. A pack loaded with various bits of gear. Some British .303 rounds for use in the rifle. 

You were with other soldiers. Some British. Some French. You didn't ask questions. This wasn't the time for questions. 

The ride was a long one. Loud. Uncomfortable.

As time went on, you began to hear noises. Loud explosions. Screaming.

You were being driven right into the thick of it.

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