Chapter 14

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(A/N) Hii. Whatsup. That's cool. Sorry I didn't post yesterday. I had like major writers block. #Oops. Thats why its such a short chapter.. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this. 👍 Love you. 😘


Chapter 14

"Hey, gorgeous," Niall's Thick accent spoke, "I miss you...I wish you were here with me..." He hesitated. "I really miss waking up to you in the morning and your soft kisses... and the way you have to stand on your toes to kiss me..." He sighed. It was like I could almost see him running his fingers through his hair. "I just, um, I just wanted to tell you how much I've missed you lately... I know it's only been 2 weeks, but it feels like forever, you know? Well anyway... I love you, baby. More than anything. Call me back, I want to hear your beautiful voice... I love you. Bye."

I sighed. It's been two weeks since Niall left for tour again, and it already feels like eternity.

I called him back. It rang a few times before he answered.

"Hey beautiful!" I could almost see his smile."

"Hey, babe. You called?" I asked.

"Mhmm. Just to hear your voice..."

I started to hear yelling. "Niall, C'mon! You can talk to her after rehearsal."

"Be there in a second, Hold on!" He yelled back.

"Ni, if you're busy, you can just call me back later."

"No I want to talk to you now." He replied stubbornly.

"No, Niall. Go rehearse. I'm not going anywhere. Just call me after."

"But I-"

"No. Go rehearse. Call me back later. I love you."

Obviously frustrated, he sighed, "Love you too. I'll call you right after rehearsal, I promise."

I laughed.

"You're acting like this is the last phone call we'll ever have. I'll be a phone call away when you're out of rehearsal. Just like I always am. I'll talk to you later babe. Bye."

It's been pretty lonely without Niall lately. I usually hang out with some of my friends and we go out, but I can't stop thinking about Niall. I guess I just really miss him. My thoughts got interrupted by a knock at my door. I put my phone into Niall's sweatshirt pocket before heading down the hallway. I swung open the door, expecting a person who trying to convert me to their religion or they're trying to get me to buy something. I swung open my door to find a man standing there. I involuntarily gasped.


"Hello, gorgeous. Care to invite me in?"

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