Chapter 16

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(A/N) Well its 4:33 am. Cool. 👍 Anyway, it's a little bit of a longer chapter. I hope you guys like it. 👍 And by the way, 100+ reads!? Whaaaaat? Thank you so much! I love you all. 😘 Comment and say what you wanna see in the upcoming chapters! You can talk to me, yuh know! 👌☺ Okay, well. Hope you like it!  

-Alayna .Xx


Chapter 16

*A week later*

Mason has been bothering me with texts about how he feels about me and how much he's missed me and how much he's changed. I've tried to ignore them, but they're constant.

"Kiera, Please. I know what I did was wrong. Just take me back and I'll treat you the way you should be treated, I promise. I've always loved you."

It's sweet and all, but he can't just walk into my life like that. My trust was broken because of him. I didn't believe in love after him. But then I met Niall. My train of thought got interrupted by a familiar caller, "BOYFRIEND.😘" I couldn't help but smile.

"Hey, babe." I answered. 

"Hey, princess. What are you doing?"  

"Ah, nothing. I just... I miss you." 

His voice lowered. "Yeah, babe. I miss you too... But before you know it, it'll be two months and we'll be together again." 

"Yeah, I know... But I miss you NOW," I joked. 

"Me too. I just can't wait to see your stupid face."  

"Thank you for that, love," He laughed. "Well we can always Skype later tonight."  

"Well, yeah. Sure. But I wanna be able to reach out and touch your face and run my fingers through your hair and look into your blue eyes." 

"I know. I wanna hold your small hands and play with your soft brown hair and make you laugh, in person. And I especially want to take you out on dates and make your dimples show." 

"I just.. I just really miss you, Niall. It feel like its been forever."  

"I know, same here, love."  

I was scrolling through my Tumblr feed when someone knocked on my door. "Coming!" I yelled before quickly putting Niall's sweatshirt on. I opened the door, and to my dismay, it wasn't a face I'd like to see. 

"What do you want, Mason?" I asked, clearly annoyed.  

"What's up with the snappy tone, huh?" He jokingly asked. 

I rolled my eyes. "You're wasting my time, what do you want?" I asked, this time a little more aggressively. 

"Another chance." 

"Mason you already had like 5 chances when we were to-" He interrupted me before I could finish my sentence. 

"Yes, yes, I know. But this time will be different. Just give me one more chance. Please." He said, his eyes filling with desperation. 

I shook my head. "No, Mason. I'm never giving 'us' a chance ever again. Do you know how much you psychically and mentally hurt me? You can't just walk back into my life like that." 

He heavily sighed. "Fine. Just, can we at least get coffee or something?"  

"No, Mas-" 

"Please? It's just coffee," He said, begging. 

"Fine. Coffee. BUT THAT'S IT. And only for an hour, I have errands to run."  

He charmingly smiled and said, "Thank you, Kiera."  

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Just let me change. I'll meet you at the Dogtown Café on Main Street."

I slipped on a gray and white loose sweater, black jeans, white converse and my red beanie. I slipped my shades on and took my phone and keys before I headed out, trying to avoid the paparazzi. 

When I arrived, Mason was already there, sitting down.  

When he spotted me, he smiled and waved. I gave him the slightest smile and waved. Ugh, I wish Niall was here. I sat down, and he asked, "Hey. Did you have anything for breakfast?" 

"No. I'm starving, though." 

"Me too. I really like it here. I think I've came here once or twice, but only for coffee." 

"Really? This is one of my favorite places. I like to come here and read and do my homework during the school year." 

"Oh, that sounds cool."  

"Mhm..." I mumbled. 

A little time and an awkward conversation later, I ordered a Munchies Burrito with an Iced Sea Salt Coffee. Mason ordered the Bacon Bomb sandwhich with a black coffee.  

"I've missed you, Kiera," He said longingly.  

"Oh." I said, maybe a little too coldly.  

"I know I mistreated you. I should've never-" 

"No. Stop it right there. That's not how it works, Mason. You can be sorry, and play your little act and such, but don't try to walk back into my life by charm and kissing my ass. That's not how it works." 

"Then how does it work?" He asked, our eyes locking. 

"It doesn't, that's the thing. It's never going to work." I said, my gaze turning cold and dark.  

"We can make it work?" He said, a little too desperately.  

"No, Mason. I'm sorry."  

He sighed. "Fine, then. I'll just have to keep trying. Anyway, how's your food?" He asked, nodding his head in my foods direction. I haven't had ate a bit of it, so I just decided to rip off a little piece and throw it in my mouth.  

"Really good, it's my favorite meal here, along with the Acai Eengery Bowl. What about yours?" 

He took a bite of the sandwhich and after swallowing and sipping his coffee, said, "Mmm, that was actually really good. I've never tried this before."  

I gave him a small smile. "Good, I'm glad you like it."

About an hour later, Mason drive me home, instead of me walking. While we were at my door, I thanked him and closed the door. Nothing happened, really. He just was talking about how much he screwed up with our relationship. It got annoying after awhile. I collapsed on my bed before my phone buzzed. The text read, "Hey, babe. How was coffee with Mason?" 

"It was okay. I just wish he'd stop bothering me. I'd rather go get coffee with you, and eat with you, even though you have the biggest appetite. I'd rather you take me home. I just miss you, that's all. /:"  

"Yeah, I miss you too, beautiful. I'll be home soon enough, though. I mean, it's almost been a month. I'll be home in no time, I promise. Xx" 

"I can't wait. I love you. Xx"

Mason texted me saying, "Hey Kiera. Coffee was really nice today."  

I rolled my eyes before replying, "Yeah, it was pleasant. Catching up was great."

Why would Mason choose to try to get me back NOW? I'm finally with someone who makes me happy, why does he want to ruin that? If he really did care about me, wouldn't he just let me finally be happy?

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