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(A/N) SUPRISE. I'm just in the mood to write, so... yeah. :)

If I wrote a different fanfic after this one, would you read it? Because this one is now 25 chapters long, so.... oh by the way, 21 years old is suitable to uh.. tie the knot, yeah? Just wondering...

Love youuuuu.



Epilogue *Kiera's POV*

*3 years later*

"So, I'll meet you tonight at 8:30?" I asked, my phone on my shoulder, pressed to my ear, as I walked down to my next course.

"Mhm. Baldy will be there to drive you, Paul will be with me. The reservation is under 'Horan,' for two," he said, a bit distractedly.

"I'm so excited to see you!"

I got no response.

"Are you okay, babe?"

"Yeah, I'm great, sorry 'bout that," he replied, now a bit more focused, "I'll see you tonight at 8:30. I can't wait to see you, darling. I love you."

"I love you too, Niall. Bye."


The air was a bit cooler than usual, the fall just beginning. I followed the hostess up the stairs to the rooftop, not finding it hard to believe that this was Niall's idea- a little cliche- but I loved it anyway.

"And here's your table, Ms. Norton," she motioned toward Niall who was already starting to stand up.

I smiled shyly, and thanked her quietly, excited to see Niall after a few days. I've been so busy with college, and Niall has been busy with the band that, even though we live together, we still find it hard to spend time together.

I couldn't help myself when I ran to him in my heels, and wrapped my arms around him tightly. Before he could say anything, I just pulled him into a messy kiss, needing to feel his soft lips.

I pulled away and grinned, just greeting him with a, "Hi."

He chuckled at my eagerness to see him, and he pulled out the chair opposite of his.

"I hope you like it up here. I know it's a bit more chilly than normal, but... I still hope it's okay," he said, in a rushed manner.

I took a look around, analyzing the lit candles, the city lights under us, and for once, we were all alone. He was dressed up in a black suit, a little red flower on his chest.

**Link: pbs.twimg.com/media/BDcKjkyCAAAo8-T.jpg:large

The view of the city was amazing, and I could see the beach lit up by the moon."It's beautiful, Niall. It's perfect."

He smiled proudly, before he saw me shiver a bit. His eyebrows creased together as he asked, "Are you cold? I know it's a bit windy out..." He drifited off.

"No, I'm okay," I smiled at him.

"No, here. Take my jacket," he said before pulling his tux jacket off and placing it over my shoulders.

"Thank you, babe," I shook my head and smiled at the gesture. He grinned at me and started talking about the past couple days, and the night got started.


After we finished dessert, we just continued to talk and laugh. There was a short silence before Niall just looked up at me- blue locking with green.

"I love you, Kiera."

"Yeah, I love you too, Niall."

"Close your eyes."

I kind of laughed and asked, "Why?"

"Just close your eyes, beautiful."

"Fine," I said playfully rolled my eyes before closing them.

He started to speak, and I got lost in his intriguing accent.

"So... We've been together for about three years, yeah?"


"I remember when you walked into that room. I remember just asking myself, 'Is this real life?' I was just dying to at least just know your name. I couldn't take my eyes off of you. You weren't like any one else I've ever seen. And when I finally got you to look at me, I just remember the butterflies," he spoke shyly, and I could sense the blushing in his cheeks. "After you left the room, I just turned to the boys and said, 'I need to see her again.' Louis just laughed at me, and he ran out of the room. I quickly followed him, the boy trailing behind me. I remember when he came back with the little slip of paper..." He said, and I suddenly felt a piece of paper in my hand. I just smiled, and I was about to open my eyes, before he said, "Just keep your eyes shut still, please, princess..." And I kept them shut, a bit curious to see where this conversation was going.

"Okay, so then we stared texting and calling, remember, darling? I loved getting your texts. I still do. And then I finally got to see you again. and then a little while after, I somehow built up the nerve to ask you to be my princess, my girlfriend. That was.. a very good day," he laughed at the end. "And then a while after, things started to get rocky. You told me about your previous relationship, and that... broke my heart. 'How could someone ever lay a hand on her?' I asked myself, time after time when I kissed you or hugged you or heard you laugh or when I pulled you close. But what really tore me apart was when I made the biggest mistake of my life. The mistake that made you leave for a horrible, long, month. And then I thought I couldn't save you after you called me the one day. Lucky me, I got another chance with the person who means everything to me."

I shivered at the memory, reaching out for his hand. My hand finally found his, and he rubbed the back of my hand with his large thumb.

"And ever since, you never left me agian. I love you so much, Kiera."

I suddenly felt something cold slide down my fourth finger on my left hand and my eyes shot open. I opened my hand to find a slip of paper, my handwriting on one side. It read, 'Kiera,' with my cell phone number. Tears of happiness rolled down my cheeks and I lifted my left hand to see a simple, but elegant, silver ring. It had a single diamond with a small design on the underside of the band.

"So... Will you do me the incredible honor of being my lovely bride & wife, and stand by me forever? Because I need you. You are my world, and I love you to the moon and back. And I can only hope that you love me as much as I love you. So say yes to forever?"

Tears spilled from my eyes as I said the word that I knew would change my life.


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