The Man in White

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School's over , i get a call from mum "Hey kiddo I'll pick you up from school " I respond yes it's not like i have someone to walk with  .Suddenly someone hold my hand when i was leaving 

Del : Where are you going ?? 

Me : With mum , she came to pick up me up

Del: (puppy eyes) but weren't we gonna go together 

Me : Im sorry but my mum will come  ,I promise we will walk tommorow 

But then Del's innocent voice almost turned demanding 

Del : Would you please walk home with me

Me: I agreed what's the worse that could happen 

Del was like happy go lucky self on the way back home , again we talked about the things we love 

Me : I don't like sand ,its coarse ,rough and gets everywhere

Del : Im not Padme dude not gonna fall for that old trick 

Me : It was worth a shot (no it wasn't)

(Both laugh)

Del : you are cute ,Mr Introvert 

*At home *


Me : geez mum , i texted you im walking home 

*eats my dinner and drinks Mum's famous juice *

All right time to sleep and by that i mean scroll through the internet while i try to sleep but can't 



In a daze , i ask who's there sitting on a sofa my vision is blurry ,i can't see shit but i can tell I'm in an almost featureless room and a white door (door opens ) I see him , a daunting figure ,smiling while I'm in pain ,he asks "How are ya kid "

In a daze , i ask who's there sitting on a sofa my vision is blurry ,i can't see shit but i can tell I'm in an almost featureless room and a white door (door opens ) I see him , a daunting figure ,smiling while I'm in pain ,he asks "How are ya kid "

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I see him , THE MAN IN WHITE 

Well shit, the voice told me not to trust him and trust Del 

??? : Would you please , for your own sake not trust the man in white

The voice again but now its begging me to do something .....should i trust it 

The man in white : Are you comfortable 

Me : .............

The man in white : You can talk to me 

Me: .........

The man in white : Im here to help and how can i do that if we don't talk 

Me : ............

The man in white : Who am i , talking to right now , is it you Luke ?

Me : ....Luke , How do you know my name 

The man in white : Because you told me your name 

??? : Stop right there !! Vile man let there be peace 

The man in white : (Looks at me ,almost in a malicious aggitated way)

The next thing i knew , i was in my bed ,it's morning ,i text Del about the incident and she tells me to meet her somewhere alone . Even though i knew her for like 3 days , i trusted Del 

We meet at night near the beach ,i see her standing behind the waves blending into the darkness
and staring off the night ,I approach her 

Me : hi Del

Del : (looks at me ) I have a secret but i can't tell you the entire thing just trust me ,The man in white is a fiend trying to destroy peace and bliss in our life

Me : Uhmmmm.... How do you know 

Del : (touches my face ) I saw what hid beneath you , and for once  I will make you let out a smile , my heavenly image to dissolve your fallen sea of  tears forever and ever 

Me : that was beautiful .....

Del : Alrighty then just trust me ( she take my hand in her hand ) you and I will run through your darkness and beat this false helper in white 

Me : .... 

Del : Bye , Mr Introvert .. I'll see you when you are ready 

Me : When i am ready?

Del ran out into the darkness and almost dissapeared 

I text Del but no response , Who is This Man in White , Who should i trust , Del , The voice , The Man in white , SO MANY QUESTIIONS!! I try to sleep but to no avail , I see the bottle " DRINK THIS" 

Me : What's the worse that would happen (drinks a spoonful) 


Del texts me , im sorry we can't meet for a while i got some family issues 

Me : How can i help you ?

Del : Mind your own business

Alright .. must be a sensitive subject for her 

I get ready for school and walk to it ,in the hallway i go to my locker

??? : Hey fatass ,hit this skinny kid 

Fat Bully : Who you callin fat punk

??? : You dipshit , now hit the skinny kid 

The fat bully punched me hard in the gut , I want to fight back but can't Im weak 

Fat Bully : Weirdo

??? : Now Luke you can either listen to me and live with the love of your life or disobey me and have a faith worse than hell . I won't let you live or let your rotting corpse die , just constant suffering 

Me : ..........Fuck 

??? : Now listen to me like the good dog you are or else your collar will be tightened to be your torture and my pleasure

Me : Yes sir ,but can you tell me your name my lord ?

??? : Does it matter what my name is 

I walked away scared , What if that man hurts Del ,Everytime i disobey the The Man in White nothing happens , the once i disobeyed the voice this happens .... i guess i dont have a choice 

The school day went the same , Math , Physics , Chemistry ,English , French and finally my alone time (sports) 

Del : Heyo Mr introvert 

Me: Hi Del

Del : Let's go on a date 

Me : But your family issues ..

Del : Don't Matter 

Me : OK when and where (that's weird)

Del : Cafe Blekking at 5:30 pm ,it's an icelandic place 

Me : Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool (thanks jake it works)


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