ch6 -🔞

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⚠️This chapter contains s*x scenes⚠️

"I love you, y/n" Tom said. "I love you more than you know, Tom" I replied. We heard Bill coming and saying "hey guys wanna go to the club?", "Yeah sure, now go outside we're gonna get changed". Tom replied.

We got changed and I just wore a black silk dress with matching black shoes with heels and star earrings matched with a necklace wih a star pendant.

20 minutes later we (Bill, Tom, and I) got in the car and headed to the night club.

Tom's POV:
I badly wanna sleep but since Bill wanna go then I'll go too. "We're here, go down first and I'll just park the car" says Bill. We got down the car and we got inside without getting in the line, since we have VIP pass in the club.

It's been an hour, and I think y/n is getting really drunk but still wanting do drink more, while Bill is just busy talking to someone at his phone.

"Hey y/n I think you need to stop, you're very drunk" I said. "Halt den Mund, ich genieße gerade" (Shut up, I'm enjoying right now) she responded. I was shocked because she said she don't speak german.

"Let's go guys" Bill shouted, and signaling me to take y/n with me. "Y/n let's go home" I said. "Nein, ich bleibe hier" (No, I'm staying here) she responded again while pouting. I can't let her stay there so I have no choice but to carry her.

We just got out the club, I took y/n inside the car with me.

Bill's POV:
Ahh.. good thing y/n still smells good even when she drink alcohol. I think she's very drunk after 10 shots of whiskey. What a strong girl.

We're still far from our home but I can here the two making out at the back seat.

It's been an hour and finally we're here, so I told Tom to carry y/n to his room, since they sleep together in one bed after all.

Tom's POV:
I'm a bit drunk but I can still carry y/n since she's  lightweight.

We got in the room and I just put her on bed. I was about to stand up, but she pulled my arm but I'm still a bit dizzy so it caused me to fall, luckily i didn't hit her.

"I want you, Tom.." Y/n whispered to me. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I want you, in me" she responded. I was shocked for what she said, all I thought y/n is an innocent girl.

"Do you really want it?" I asked. "Yes, I always do." She answered. I know we're both not in ourselves right now but I still gave her a kiss in the lip, he kisses me back with tongue. I didn't know she's a good kisser.

She stopped kissing me, and I noticed she's taking off her bra.

Y/n POV:
After i took my bra off, I also took my clothes off. I took his hand and placed it on my boob. He's really feeling it. I saw him smirk at me as he stared at his hand right on my breast. He asked me once more "Are you really sure you want this?" I nodded in response "Yes, i've already told you, im ready."

He pushed me to the bed but I pulled his arms causing us to fall. He took his clothes off and after that, he pulled my shorts and panties down, and now we're both naked.

I can feel his d*ck getting inside me, I didn't mentioned to him that it's my first time so he isn't aware. I moaned loudly cause it really hurts, but finally he's in me now. "Please do it slowly, it's my first time" I said. "I'll be gentle" he responded.

I can feel him thrusting in and out at my p*ssy. I can feel something dripping down my thighs, I think it's blood since it's my first time.

I can feel he's getting deeper and faster inside me, I can't help but to moan. "Ahh..ugh..Tom, be gentle".

Bill's POV:
They're too loud, I can't sleep. Maybe I should go down and just sleep in the living room.

I just got downstairs and prepared the couch which where I'm going to sleep on. "Finally, peace" I said in relief.

Y/n POV:
Tom's really getting harder and faster, I wish he won't c*m inside me. I'm still 18 tho.

"I'm about to c*m, Y/n". He said. "Please don't c*m in me" I said. He gets his d*ck out me and c*mmed on the pillows and blanket.

We both breathe in relief. "Ah, finally finished" Tom said. "I'm gonna sleep, I got tired", I said. "You're not going to change?" Tom asked. "Too lazy, goodnight i love you". I responded. "Oh okay, goodnight i love you more".

In the morning

I just woke up, wondering why I am naked. All I can remember is we got to the club and I took 5 shots of whiskey, now I woke up naked. I feel like me and Tom made out.

I decided to change but I don't have spare clothes left so I took Tom's oversized t-shirt and I wore it with my shorts that's on the ground.

I tried to wake Tom but I guess he's still on a hangover because he also took shots of whiskey last night.

I decided to go downstairs, but when I got there I saw Bill sleeping on the couch so I came up to him and tried waking him up.

"Hey Bill wake up, what are you doing on the sofa, you're gonna catch a cold!" I said. He woke up and he hits my hand. "If you two weren't that loud last night, I could've sleep peacefully in my room"

"Wait what?!" I said. "You two were loud last night, I heard both of you moaning loudly and I can't sleep so I decided to sleep here on the couch". Bill said. I was so shocked to what he said because I don't really remembered what happened last night.

I suddenly missed my bestfriend and decided to call her on my phone. Luckily she picked up.

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