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Y/n POV:
I wonder what does Athena feel rn. I wanna check her out but I'm still taking care of Bill, Tom, and I's things, since they will be staying here with me and my bestfriend.

My apartment only has two rooms, but big though. So I think my bestie's gonna be sleeping with me, and the brothers will be sleeping in the other room.

"I'll be sleeping for your room for a while Y/n" Tom said. So I headed to the living room where Bill and Athena is. I saw them switching places and it makes me wanna laugh, but I don't wanna disturb them. Bill is the one sleeping, and Athena is now the one looking out for Bill. What a cute incident.

I headed back to my room and saw Tom tidying up some places, which makes me fall in love with him even deeper. I leaned on the door, watching him organising some stuff and tidying up the two beds.

I felt someone tapping me from behind, and it was my bestfriend, Athena. Trying to whisper me something, I couldn't hear her because of the vacuum so I told her to repeat what she said. "Can me and Bill share one room, please? Can he sleep in mine" she whispered again. I nodded in agreement, which made her jumping from excitement.

"Hey Tom? I think you should stop cleaning, that's enough. I'm supposed to be the one cleaning right now, you should go to the living room and try to be friends with Athena too." I said. He nodded and he headed to the living room, like what I said.

He's done cleaning both rooms, so I think I'll be fixing the bed. I'm almost done cleaning the room, I wonder what the three is doing at the living room.


I opened my phone, and Tom just texted.

I opened my phone, and Tom just texted

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I'm now done cleaning. I hope Tom's still doing okay with the two.

I removed my makeup and put on some silk pink top matched with silk pink shorts and a messy bun hairstyle.

I got out of the room and headed to the living room. I saw Bill, Tom and Athena playing some kind of board game. I badly wanna play with them too, but I don't know how to play, so I decided to just watch them.

"Hey Y/n, wanna play with us?" Bill gave me a big smile causing me to smile back. "Nah, I don't know how to play" I responded. I felt my tummy rumble from hunger. "Hey guys, wanna go out and eat?" I said. "YES!" They all shouted like they're really hungry. "Woah, okay. Athena, do you got my keys?" I said, looking at Athena.

She nodded and took her wallet, she took the keys in her wallet and gave it to me. I signalled the three to clean up what needs to be clean up and come with me in the car after. I left the three inside and headed straight to the garage and got in the car.

It took 10 minutes of waiting and finally they're all heading here inside my car. Tom decided to sit beside the driver's seat, and Bill and Athena's in the backseat.

I started driving, I didn't know where we were going to eat so I thought we should go to KFC, my favorite fast food restaurant here in Los Angeles. It only took 30minutes for us to get there, since it's only kilometers away from our apartment. Finally we're here.

"Get up buddies, we're here." I said. "KFC?! omfg my favv!" Athena shouted, delightfully. "Ikr? Now all of you wait for me inside and I'll just park the car." I said. They all did what I said. I parked a car in the parking lot, where else should I park tho? Lol.

I jumped out of the car and saw a girl standing infont of hers. She has long blond hair, and she's wearing a white silk dress matching a black boots with chunky heels. I like her style.

She saw me, staring at her and I thought I recognise her, so I came closer to her and realized she's me ex-band leader, our drummer haha. I waved to her and said hi, but sadly she didn't even noticed me nor hear me. So I decided to just go inside.

I got in the fast food restaurant and saw the three waiting for me at the table near the window. I came up to them and sat beside Tom. I didn't know what to say.

"What took you so long?" Athena said, pouting and putting her hands under her chin. "Actually, I saw our ex-band leader and drummer. I said hi but unfortunately, she just ignored me" I said, pouting too and sighed lightly.

"You two are at a band?" Tom said, widening his eyes for a second. "Well yeah, but that's a long time ago". I responded, and seeing Athena nodding her head.

Tom called a boy waiter, but a girl waitress came in her way, going towards Tom. "What's your order, sir?" The waitress asked Tom, in a flirty voice. I felt jelous, so I decided to tell her our order instead. The waiter just rolled her eyes and gave Tom a small piece of paper, the waitress looked at me and smirked before going away.

"Ooh, looks like someone's jelous" Athena teased me, smirking. "What? No." I said, denying. When the truth is I really am jelous. "This fucking waitress just gave me a small piece of paper with a number on it, I think it's hers" says Tom. The three bursts out laughing, while I'm just scrolling on insta and twitter, waiting for our orders.

It's been 20 minutes, thankfully our orders is here. We all ate our own food and after that, I called the waitress again. The waitress earlier came to our table again. "How much is everything, miss?" I asked the waitress, she gave me the receipt and it only costs 1,278$. "I'll pay in cash, lemme get my bag" I said, searching for my wallet in my bag.

I saw my wallet and gave the waitress 1,300$ instead. "Keep the change, and don't get your dirty hands on my boyfriend miss. I don't wanna see your face ever again." I said to the waiter. The waiter stormed off angrily.

I noticed silence, as the three is looking at me, speechless. "What are you looking at? Let's go" I said, getting my wallet back to my bag with an angry expression. "I'll be waiting for you guys at the car, just come inside there if you're done doing what you're doing" I stormed off the fast food restaurant, and headed directly to my car.

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