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Things have been a little too different since I got pregnant. And yeah, Bill and Athena are now together, they're always going out and all. Also, Athena got famous too. How I missed being on news with Tom or the Band.

Many months had passed, and I finally gave birth to my precious little pearls. Why pearls? Because they're twins! And they're also both boys. Tom and I named the first one Knox, while Bill and Athena named the other one Ford.

Knox Wright Kaulitz & Ford Wright Kaulitz

Tom's POV:
I can't believe I'm now a father of twins. And they're born a day after Bill and I's birthday, they're really like a gift to me. Everytime I see them sleeping together, it just reminds me of me and Bill as twins.

I let out a sigh as a relief, as I see Y/n sleeping while holding the twins in both hands. I can see how caring she is.

2 years had passed and I think we're all ready to come back to our band.

Y/n POV:
Finally, I can feel my texture of my guitar again. We're now finally all back together as a band and started to have world tours again. It's so fun getting back to our band.

Days after our last tour, we had an interview coming in just A DAY. That would be so exhausting for me.

The day of the interview.

We finally arrived at the place we're getting interviewed on. We still have 1hour before getting on stage so we decided to fix ourselves, but the makeup artists stopped us and said they could do it for us.

20 minutes later the four's already done fixing, and I was the only one left.

"Why was I the last one getting fixed? This is unfair" I groaned quite loudly and obviously the boys heard them.

"Maybe it's because you're ugly so they need to put on more makeup on you." Tom said, as he was leaning towards me.

"Oh yeah I'm ugly, is that why you chose me to become the mother of your child" I said, teasing him before kicking him softly.

The three bursts out laughing as they heard the sentence I said.

"Hey stop, I was just joking. Besides, you're the only girl that's beautiful in my eyes" Tom said.

I cringed for what he said and just gave him a sarcastic smile as I rolled my eyes before turning to face the mirror.

Finally, after 25 minutes they're done doing my makeup and all, we only had 5 minutes left to get ready before heading in for the interview.

"Let's all welcome, Tokio Hotel!"

We immediately got up stage as soon as we heard the host yell our group name. The host welcomed us as the audience were too loud screaming.

"So, first question" the host said, making me sit straight and getting ready assuming I'm gonna be mentioned first.

"Y/n and Tom, we all know you two had children so the band has to stop for 2 years, right?" The host asked.

"Well yeah, we decided to take care of the kids for 2 years before getting back. But yeah I think they're all good" I said, as I looked at Tom nodding for agreement.

"So when are you gonna get married? You're already adults now and you got your own kids" the host asked. I was about to speak but Tom covered my mouth, so he's the one who could speak.

"I don't know, maybe sooner? I'm not sure yet. But I'm sure I am the man who's gonna be married with Y/n" Tom said. The host nodded and gave Tom a little smirked and took a quick look at me.

"So this question is for bill" said the host. Bill nodded and mouthed "go ahead".

"There's a rumor that you had a secret girlfriend named Athena Clarkson that is a famous runway model?"

"Uhm yeah, we've been together for like 2 years now. And also, she's watching right there at the corner" Bill answered and waved hi to Athena as the camera man pointed the camera at her.

—after many questions—

Finally we're done at the interview. It's now 6 pm and we're heading at the tour bus, the show was exhausting, but it was a bit fun though.

The tour bus got us straight home. Btw, Bill, Athena, Tom, and I share one house. It was bigger than the twin's house back then though.

As I got in the living room, Knox and Ford is now running towards me and greeted me with a hug.

"Mommy we missed you!" Ford said to me with a smile. "Me too!" Says Knox.

"Aww, I missed you too my precious little pearls" I said, and gave them both a kiss on the forehead.

"What about daddy?" Tom said. He crossed his arms as he pretended to cry. The twins jumped off from my hands and runs to Tom as the twins comfort him.

"They're so cute" Athena said. "I know right, when are we going to have one" Bill said sarcastically. Athena hits Bill's arm softly as we all laughed loudly.

Knock knock knock

We heard someone knocking at the door but Athena gets it.

"Hey Athena, I missed you and Y/n so much"

Who could that be..?🤫

Mister rockstar is dating Miss Y/NМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя