Part 43

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Y/n pov

Now I am sitting in oppa's cabin. He promised me that he would take me to walk even though it is my full trimester. Now I am sitting in oppa's cabin waiting for him. He got some emergency, so I am waiting for him here.

He is always so caring. But his caring is some times a burden to me. And even if I am sitting here alone, a nurse will always come to check on me if I was ok or not. He never allowed me to be alone. Since today no one was free this was the only option.

And we have found name for our babies. I am sure that you will love them. We wanted it to be official only after both of them are born.

The door opened to see oppa and kookie coming towards me with a smile. I smiled at them. Today I got a lot of energy to even fight. He he ...

They came towards me, kookie do not know about our plan of walk in the nature. I do not know how he will react if he knows that we are taking a walk. Oppa came and gave me a small kiss on my forehead.

"Are you ready to go for a walk ? " oppa asked me.

"Yah" I excitedly told him.

"Excuse me where are you going ?" Kook asked all confused.

"Just a small walk" I told him.

"I won't allow you to go for a walk. Especially now. When you were supposed to walk you didn't, now you want to walk. No. You can't walk now " he told me sternly.

"Oppa. Please" I pleaded to him.

"Y/n I can't say anything since kook have said but we can have a walk somewhere else, somewhere more secure. Ok ?" He asked me.

"No. You told me you would take me to a walk in the nature . I want that" I told him.

Kook was glaring at me. "No matter what. You will not go for you 'walk in nature " he told me almost scolding.

I huffed and walked out. Before I could walk out oppa held my hand and made me sit on his chair and told me "dear we have our own reasons to say this. Ok ? So for me will you please sit here while I change the dress. You need rest dear. Ok ? " I nodded.

He went out sighing and signalling something to kookie. Kookie came to me with a beautiful smile. 😍  But I shrugged it.

"Are you angry at me ?" He asked me .

"I am not" I told looking at my phone. He sat near me while oppa was changing. I was watching a reel, before I could changing into the next one I felt a pain, so the phone unknowingly slipped my hand.

"What happened ?" Kookie asked. Worry was evident in his face.

"It hurts. Ahhh " I told him.

"Tae. Do not change we need you immediately " kookie screamed.

Oppa came out from his dressing room in new scrubs. But everything was blur for me because of the pain that feel. I started to scream literally. Amd the tears in my eyes are not letting me see him. But I can say that he was worried.

Oppa immediately came to me. "Oppa it hurts. Ahh." I told him.

His face was also worried. But he immediately relaxed. Because he know I want him now.

"It is ok dear. I got you". He immediately sat on the where jungkook was sitting and kept his hand where I was feeling the pain.

"Jungkook cancel both of our appointments and call namjoon hyung and tell she is in labour. And tell him to come to our special room" he nodded and immediately went out of the room.

"Oppa I am scared. This hurts way more than I thought. But now I am feeling a bit fine." I told him hiccupping.

"Shhhhhhh it is ok. First of all you need to relax otherwise it will affect the babies. Relax. And when the pain comes, you have to take breath inside through your nose for five seconds and out through your mouth for five seconds. Follow it and you will be 🙂 fine " he told me caressing my hair.

Jungkook came inside and gave a smile to me which I gave him back. Again it started hurting. I tried to suppress the pain as much as I could, but I couldn't.

"In five seconds and out five seconds. Breath with me" kook helped me through the breath.

"Now we are going to the VIP room. And it is near here. So we can have a walk. Ok ?" He asked me and I nodded.

The pain went away and he helped me stand and took my phone which was on the ground. But before we could walk the thing happened. Something leaked down from the vagina. A rush. I looked at oppa terrified.

"It is ok. Your water broke. It is fine." He told me . But it was embarrassing for me because jungkook was standing there. I know he is also a doctor but I dont know why I felt shy. And I side hugged oppa and hide my face in oppa's chest. I am sure I am red as tomato now.

"Are you shy ?" Kook asked me chuckling. While I nodded. "Then don't be. Because if you are going to continue to be shy like this, then you won't have anything else to do, you will continueto feel ashamed for some hours from now on" he told me. I looked at him confused.

"I am going to see you naked soon. See come on. During delivery you will be naked, and I dont have a problem and you too. Because we are siblings. So now let us walk." He told me and I gave him an assuring smile.

I can't think about anything now because of the sharp pain. It was two doors away. He took me to the VIP room and helped me sit on the bed. Me, oppa and jungkook are in the room. While oppa was about to go, I held his hand.

"Oppa please don't go. Please " I started to cry and even pain is not at all feeling well. I feels like I want to smash things. And the pain is like stabbing with knife. We will unknowingly scream.

"I am not going anywhere, just closing the door and kicking kook out, so that we can change. Then we have many things to do. So relax. I not going anywhere, and let us change to hospital gown. Ok sweetie ?" He asked me. I nodded to him.

Jungkook went out. While oppa helped me out of my dress, then my bras and my panties. He carefully did it. And helped me into the white hospital gown.

"This dress is so weird 😐. " I told him. He started to laugh out loud and helped me into the bed.

"Oppa I am really scared. It is scary" I told him.

"Don't worry. Ok. I am always with your. We are on the same boat. I will never let anything happen to any of you" he assured me.

"Jungkook you can come in. Everything is ready." Jungkook came in with a smile and a tray with IV set. But to my surprise Aru was also there. She is so energetic today. Looks so happy than any of us.

"Someone is so happy today " I told her.

"Of course I am. I am going to be an aunty for twins. I can't wait. You did not know, I don't have much patience. Especially when it comes to talk about babies".  He he  she told me.

"Then produce one . So that ahhhhhhh " she blushed and got shocked with my crying.

"Do not worry. I am fine. It the pain, that is like someone is continuesly stabbing me." I told her. She is almost teared.

"Oh do not cry. I will be fine 🙂" I told her and started to scream again.

I do not what to do. To console her or cry. I think I would be happy if I could see jimin.

There he comes.....

I am sorry guys . I did it a bit fast. So hope you understand. I will continue and will have the next chapter tomorrow or Monday.

Happy weekend to all. Bye bye.

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