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Note before reading: If the scenes feel rushed, that means that the book still needs to be revised after completion. As I said, feedbacks are highly appreciated if there are mistakes or anything that you want to let the author know. Lovelots! 💕

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Another day at the end of another busy week. It was the day I had to buy some groceries today considering that I had run out of ingredients for the meal that I was planning to prepare for dinner. Sighing, I walked and pulled the hood over my head, headphones blasting music, and looking at the lit street.

It was a small street and it seemed like there weren't any people left around at this hour.

I could hear the faint sounds of voices coming from the shops across the road. The people were still going shopping even if it was a little later than they usually would because most everyone wanted to make good use of their remaining hours before going home and having to end the day.

I walked inside the supermarket, grabbed a cart, and took out my list. As usual, I looked through the aisles until I found what I needed. It was simple ingredients like chicken, potatoes, mushrooms, and other seasonings. After grabbing the items and paying, I put them into the cart and continued looking around the food aisles.

Once again, I grabbed some fruits and other snacks like chips and candies to fill the fridge. I made my way back toward the produce section. Grabbing some fresh vegetables, I got all the necessary items I would need for the rest of this week's menu. I checked my watch and decided that I should get back home by now.

I was about to start walking away but it wasn't too long before someone tapped me on the shoulder. Turning to see who it was, I saw Shin smiling right at me.

"Hey Dara, how are you doing?" he asked cheerfully.

He was wearing a brown jacket but wore a black shirt underneath. Dark jeans and black Converse also. He then approached me, carrying with him a basket of groceries.

I was caught off guard. "Are you off duty?" 

"Just closed the restaurant just now. I'll be taking a day off tomorrow but after that, back to work," he answered.

I hummed before we both reached the counter. "That sounds nice. After all that work, it's nice to take a fitting break."

"Heard about your little trip to Jeju. I'm quite jealous." He then puts his hand as if acting as if it hurts him that we hadn't invited him before laughing. I couldn't help but grin before we went to the separate counter. I couldn't help but chuckle at this.

"Maybe next time you could come with us on a trip?" I asked as he seems rather interested in the idea.

I then heard him answer, "I'd like that. I'd be sure to leave a day free for that."

 I then let the cashier scan my groceries for me. I paid him quickly, telling him the price as he scanned the total. He put everything into a paper bag and handed the bag over to me along with my change. I thanked him, took the bag, and went back to look at Shin. With that said, he smiled and waved goodbye before saying that he would be around.

Finally leaving the supermarket, I passed by an unmanned convenience store. Looking at my list, it seems that I had already bought all my necessities. Though, I feel like I was sort of hungry and thirsty so I decided to get something to eat. Opening the door, I noticed that there wasn't anyone in the store.

Seems like I got lucky. I thought to myself as I walked inside and grabbed one of the ramen packaging and a cup with ice in it. 

I decided to let the container for the ramen fill with water as I grabbed a strawberry drink from one of the shelves and pour its contents into the cup that I got. After a while, everything was ready. All I had to do was eat at one of the tables outside. I love looking at the quiet streets at nighttime anyway.

I sat down at the table, opened the chopsticks, and proceeded to dig in. I sighed quietly as I began eating, savoring every bite that I ate. The wind blew lightly and a warm light breeze ruffled my hair. Everything seemed perfect right here.

My eyes were half-lidded when suddenly there was a sudden sound behind me. I was about to turn around but then a hand on my shoulder made me gasp and stand up abruptly. Laughter then came next as Shin stood right behind me, amused.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you or anything like that," he said, chuckling lightly before continuing, "A quick meal before going home, I see." 

He then shivered slightly, pulling up the collar of his jacket. "I was planning to get some chocolate bar and some chips inside when I suddenly saw you out here. Are you heading home?"

I shook my head, pointing back at the convenience store, "Not yet. I'm still finishing up my ramen and my drink. "

He nodded and looked at the clock. His gaze shifted toward me as he spoke with a smile, "Well, I'll guess I'll join you for a bit. Let me just get some chips and chocolate and I'll sit with you right after."

I gave him a thumbs-up before he turned around and went back inside. Once he disappeared inside the convenience store, I turned my attention back to my ramen. While waiting for the ramen to cool down a bit, I heard Shin coming back as he sat down in front of me. 

"So, any plans for tomorrow, Dara?" he asked, trying to start the conversation.

It was easy to tell that he was curious about it. So I answered, "Well, I was planning to write a new blog and maybe try baking."

He hummed and mumbled to himself. "Ah, so you don't know..."

I only raised an eyebrow at this as he then waved his hand. After a while, he asked me if I had plans to visit Summit Ridge Grill the day after. I thought for a bit before shrugging. "If it's not crowded, I probably wouldn't want to go, especially if it's a weekend."

Before I could ask him why, he started talking, "Actually, it's Minho's birthday so I was kind of hoping that we could surprise him. And since I got a day off, I was planning to go pay him a visit."

Now that caught my attention. I tilted my head, confused. "So, are you asking me or inviting me?"

"I'm inviting you. Plus, I'm sure Minho wouldn't mind. And the others do want to see you too."

"Why?" I asked suspiciously. 

He smiled and shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe it will be fun."

He's plotting something. I only hummed and chuckled. "We'll see. I still have to sort out my schedules."

"Great, see you there." And with that, he picked up his food and left. I could see him walking away with the bag in his hand as I finally threw away the empty container of ramen. Hands under my chin, I was finally left alone with my thoughts.

What exactly is he planning? 

I took a sip of my drink and hummed. I guess I'll just have to find out. 


I'll revise this as soon as I finish some of my uni deadlines. I'll be trying out new writing styles since I want to change some perspectives when it comes to this story. It might take a while but hoping that I could finish it this year.

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