Chance Encounter

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  • Dedicated to Liv

Chapter 2

Linn had had enough time to get ready for the interview she would do today. And though she was nowhere near unprofessional Linn was as nervous as ever.

Wringing her hands together she walked to the Mayfair Hotel where Max Irons was staying while here in London.

Linn walked up to the reception desk of the hotel.

"Hey. I wanted to ask where I might meet Max Irons. I am here for a interview with him, my name is Linn Sörenson from the Gossip Today Magazine."

The woman at the desk smiled at her and motioned to give her a moment. Linn took the chance to look around the entrance of the hotel. It was very spacious, glamourus even.

"Mister Irons will wait in his room for you. It's room No. 745."

Linn thanked her with a smile and made her way over to the elevators. The ride upwards seemed like and endless journey to her. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself but could already feel the nervousness closing in on her again.

Finally the elevators stopped, the doors opening with a whoosh and Linn stepped out. Looking for the correct number she walked over to the door.

Taking a deep breath Linn moved her hand up to knock on the door as it suddenly was thrown open.

"Oh!" The sound came from the person standing in front of her.

With her lips parted and her eyes widened in surprise Linn stared at the man that had opened the door to the room.

"Um" Swallowing the lump that had formed in her throat and clearing it Linn started again. "Hi. I uh I'm here for the interview from Gossip Today."

"Oh yeah. I knew that. Claire from reception called." He said and stuck out his hand. "Sorry. I'm Max. Please come in." Max smiled softly and shook Linn's hand.

Thanking him silently with a nod, Linn entered the room, whihc in truth was a giant suit, but oh well.

"Would you like something to drink." Max asked and looked over at his manager who was waiting patiently for them to start so they could be on their way to another interview.

"Uh, no, but thanks for asking." Linn said and stood awkwardly in the entrance hall, not sure what to do.

"Well, don't just stand there, darling. Take a seat." Max said pointing to the giant couch chair that was sitting opposite of him.

"Sorry." Linn mumbled and went over getting ready to start the questioning part. She took out her questions and pad to write down what he had to say.

"Okay, let's start."

And with that, Linn fired her questions at the actor, getting more and more confident the more questions she asked.

Max was a funny and sweet guy, she found out. He was very polite answering all questions that she had for him, even telling a few stories that had nothing to do with the topics of the interview. Max even tried to flirt with Linn a bit, but usually a throat clearing or a disaprving look from his manager shot him back down.

"Well, that was all, Mr. Irons. Thank you very much for taking the time to answer all our questions."

"You're welcome. And please call me Max,  Mr. Irons is my father Jeremy." he said laughing at his own lame joke, but Linn couldn't help herself laughing along with him.

"Okay, Max, thanks for having me. Maybe I can get another chance at an interview with you."

Max grinned and shook Linn's hand in a gesture of good-bye.

"I hope so." he said staring at her.

"Come on, Max, we got to get ready for the next." His manager interrupted and pulled both out of their trance.

"Good-Bye." Linn waved and left through the door making her way out of the hotel, a grin playing on her features.

She had to agree, it went good, no it went fantastic. Today was a great day.

Okay, finally I got it up again to update, please let me know what you think. Thanks

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