A big Job

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Chapter 1

A young woman sat alone in a small cafe near the Themes. She had chosen a seat near the window so she could look out and watch the hasty city life go by.

A young waitress walked up to her. "Can I bring you anything?"

"Yeah, a tall Late Macchiato, thanks." she told her and the girl nodded at her, getting back to the counter.

The door bell of the cafe chimmed announcing another customer had come in.

"Anika!" A voice called from the door to which the woman turned her head.

"Linn. Hej." Anika said and motioned for her friend to come sit with her.

"Hej. How have you been?" Linn asked her and gave her a soft smile as she sat down opposite Anika.

"You know, same old." she answered and nodded her head in thanks as the waitress brought over her coffee.

"Still nothing?" Linn asked her friend who shook her head taking a sip from her drink.

Both women had come from Sweden to start a new life in the UK. Linn had gone ahead and studied journalisam at a London University, while Anika still had a few things to do back home in Sweden. Once she had the chance to leave Anika met up with her friend and lived with her in a small flat a bit outside of London.

As of yet Anika still hadn't found a serious job that would pay her well. She worked in different areas of London, at different times each day, so she at least was able to pay the part of the rent that she would have to.

"Nope. The people at the shop still haven't answered my application, I'm not even sure if it is the right thing to do anymore." With a sigh Anika leaned back in her seat and looked out of the window.

"Hey, you'll find something, I know you do. And don't worry about the rent, I'll cover for it for some time." Linn told her friend reaching over and giving her hand a reassuring squeeze.

Anika nodded her head and smiled at Linn. "Okay. But now tell me about that job you've got."

Linn had been working for an upcoming gossip magazine after she had finished her studies. She had been doing a few smaller articles and interviews, but this one, this was a really big job.

Linn's grin spread over her face as she proceded to tell Anika about the new job she had.

"It's so great. Austin asked me to go to a small event here in London. Mostly it's like a small premier party for upcoming TV shows and new seasons of the ones that are shown in the UK." Linn told her in a rush and took a deep breath to continue.

"Aand he told me to make an interview with one Max Irons. He's in London filming his new movie."

"Wow, sounds like a lot of work for you dear." Anika told her.

"Yeah, I'm so happy. Finally something big for me to show what I'm able to do." Linn said clapping her hands together and smiling from ear to ear.

"I'm so happy for you. I know that you're good in what you do." Anika said and waved the waitress over to their table so she could pay for her coffee.

"Honey, don't pull yourself down. You're good at what you do, too. You are a wonderful woman and I know you can do great things." Linn said and pulled Anika into a warm embrace after they had both left the small cafe.

With a heavy sigh Anika said her good byes to Linn and made her way back to the central city to get back to her job hunt.

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