My Quirk is...

550 19 2

< > Rimuru talking to Ciel
<<  >> Ciel talking
Insert text  Thoughts
" " Someone speaking


{ Rimuru POV }

After that interaction, I teleport away to the top of a building. How interesting..It seems the Earth has changed more than I thought. The previous interaction was quite strange, but I won't dwell on that. For now, I'll focus on what I'll do now that I'm back. I sit on the edge of the building. I admire the beautiful Tokyo lights all over the City. I'm back.

A few minutes pass and I decide to explore a bit. Many things have changed, after all. Ciel is also wishing to analyze this new Earth. I let out my wings and I fly down to the streets. I see a lot of strange people, a person with a shark for a head, a pink teen with a pure black  sclera and alien like antenas on her head, a weird grape following the pink teen and more odd people. I can tell that Ciel is probably having a blast analyzing them.

<< ... >>

See? She's only quiet when she's busy analyzing something. I suddenly stop in my tracks when I realize something. I can buy manga to read the endings of the manga I never got to finish! I rush to a manga store, flying fast, but not too fast that people will get suspicious. I reach the manga store and I enter, I grab every single interesting manga I see and head over to the cashier. She starts scanning my items when I remembered.

I don't have any money.

"Your payment, Miss." The cashier tells me. "I'll just get my wallet." I reach into my pockets knowing nothing is there when I suddenly feel something, I grab it and it was a wallet!! I open it and there was also money inside! Ciel is truly the best. "Here you go." I give the cashier my payment and I receive my manga.

Next order of business...Get some food. I go to the nearest store and enter. It was empty except for a brown haired teen with a round face working as the cashier. I grab two baskets and started emptying the shelves. I turned both my arms into slimy tentacles grabbing whatever looked delicious and tasty. I approach the counter and the poor girl is looking so shocked from the amount of items I'm buying. While she's scanning my items she asks me, "Is that your quirk, Miss?" I'll ignore the fact that she called me a miss, but Quirk? "What do you mean?" I ask. "The tentacles just now, is that your quirk?" She asks me again, this time looking at me.

< Ciel, what is a quirk? >
<< Answer : A quirk is a superhuman ability a person can possess. It functions like a superpower. >>
< Oh, I see. Thank you. >

I flash her a grin, "My quirk is Slime." I can tell from the confusion on her face that she wants me to elaborate further. "It allows me to turn into anything i consume. Once i consume something I also obtain its abilities. I am also able to keep things in something called the 'Stomach'." No way am I telling her about 'Imaginary Space'. "This isn't even my true form!" I turn into my slime form. "See?" pleasedon'taskaboutmyhumanform. "Wow! That's so cool! You have such a convenient Quirk!" She says with pure excitement. I turn back to my human form with a smug face. "Kufufufu. I know, right?"

She finishes scanning my items and I pay for it. "Excuse me, miss? May I ask your name if you don't mind?" She asks me before I leave. "I don't. I'm Rimuru Tempest, you?" "My name is Ochako Uraraka! I hope I get to meet you soon, Rimuru-Chan!" This is getting pretty annoying.

<< pff. >>
< Did you just chuckle, Ciel? >
<< No, Master. That was just your imagination. >>

- END -

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