Back at Capital City Rimuru

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{ Benimaru POV }

I couldn't believe what my sister had just said.. Lord Rimuru disappeared? I couldn't believe what I was hearing, but Shuna seems to really have seen it. I also can't sense Lord Rimuru anywhere.. This is bad. I call in all of Lord Rimuru's 12 patrons for a meeting, and here we are.

"Devil Lord" Diablo, "Mist Lord" Zegion, "Flame Lord" Benimaru, "Killer Lord" Testarossa, "Pain Lord" Ultima, "Menace Lord" Carrera, "Star Lord" Ranga, "War Lord" Shion, "Chimeric Lord" Kumara, "Gehenna Lord" Adalman, "Barrier Lord" Geld and "Dragon Lord" Gabiru are all gathered in the meeting room. I can spot some hobgoblins spying on us but I don't acknowledge them.

"This is preposterous..! Who could do this to Lord Rimuru!" Diablo exclaims, anger visible on his face. "No way..So Lord Rimuru is really gone?" Shion cries out, tears flowing from her eyes. The room is filled with a bunch of worried comments from the other patrons. I call out to them to which they immediately quiet down. "Everyone, please. Let's not panic about this, maybe there's a reasonable explanation for what happened."

My sister enters the room with tea for everyone. "Ah, Shuna, just in time." I say, "hmm?" "Is it alright if you could tell us exactly what happened?" "Oh.. Well, of course I can." She stands next to me, then started to explain what happened. "I was planning on giving Lord Rimuru a treat since he's been working so hard recently, while he was eating the dessert I gave him I noticed his eyes widening for a moment, I tried calling out to him but it's like he didn't hear me..! Not too long after, Lord Rimuru was suddenly gone...." All 12 patrons are shocked to the point of silence, even the hobgoblins that were peeking were shocked, some even sobbing.

"Perhaps we could ask the other Demon Lords?" Testarossa suggested. "Ohh~ that's a good idea!!" Ultima replied. "I suggest we start with-" Just as Testarossa was talking something-.. someone crashed into the meeting room.

"What happened to my bestie!?" Demon Lord Milim Nava "The Destroyer" appeared before us, destroying the table in front of us as she fully released her aura. I can see the hobgoblins outside being scared shitless, some passed out from the sheer impact of Milim Nava's aura.

"Demon Lord Milim Nava, we are unsure as well, Lord Rimuru just..vanished." Kumara tells her. "WHAT???" Milim couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Take a seat, Demon Lord Milim.", My sister points to a chair next to me, "You can join the meeting. I'll even give you some dessert if you cooperate!" She says with a smile. Milim's eyes light up immediately and she sits down. "Let's continue our meeting, then." I say to the rest as they all nod.

- END -

A/N yes, this is a cliffhanger

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