Shopping Spree

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< > Rimuru talking to Ciel
<< >> Ciel talking
Insert text Thoughts
" " Someone speaking

{ Rimuru POV }

Veldora is left alone in my apartment, I really hope he won't break anything. But, then again, I shouldn't have to worry about that. He's busy with his manga and food after all. I walk to a nearby mall, ready to have a shopping spree.

I first go to a clothing store and buy everything that looks good (According to Ciel). I buy both women and men's clothes, considering I look fabulous in anything.

<< That's correct, master. You are the true definition of beauty! >>
< Oh, Ciel. You flatter me. >

I was flustered by Ciel's words, feeling myself get pinker by the moment I slap my cheek repeatedly.

<< Heh. >>

Ciel seems to be proud with herself. A sigh leaves my mouth. Ignoring that whole exchange, I head to the food court and start to rob the stalls of their food. I might actually rob this mall of all of their items at this rate.. Looking for somewhere to sit I spot a familiar pink skinned alien girl, I notice the one next to her..Ah! It was Uraraka. "Uraraka-Chan!" I suddenly appear at her table, ignoring the others with her. "Oh, Rimuru-Chan its you!" Her eyes seems to shimmer with joy as she pats the seat next to her, signaling for me to sit down.

"Who is this cutie?" The pink alien teen asks, "Oh, that's Rimuru-chan. I met her while I was on night shift just last night." Uraraka explains, smiling. "Fufufu. My name is Rimuru Tempest. What about you guys?" They all introduce themselves, Mina Ashido, Momo Yaoyorozu, Tsuyu Asui, Toru Hagakure and Kyoka Jiro. "I'm assuming you're all classmates? What school do you go to?" I ask them while munching on my food. "Yes, yes! We're classmates and we go to UA!" Mina answers. "What about you, Rimuru-Chan? What school do you go to?" Momo asks me. "Ohh, I'm actually a teacher." They all look at me shocked, probably on the fact that I look like a 16 year old. "H-how old are you??" Hagakure hesitantly asks. "I'm 21." This seems to shock them even more, they look like their jaws LITERALLY dropped.

"W-wow Rimuru-Chan..I didn't expect that.." Uraraka's shoulders droops as her cheeks hit the table. "Is it really that shocking?" "It sure is..kero..You look so young." "How do you manage to look so young?" Momo asks me what everyone was thinking. "Hmm..." I pause for the dramatic effect, "That's a secret~" I wink, smiling at them. Their moods seem to drop immediately. Hehehe.

{ A few minutes later }

We've all finished eating by now. The girls are gossiping about who they like while I'm enjoying the tea. "What about you, Rimuru-Chan? Do you like anyone?" Shit. They're making me join in their conversation. "She probably has a boyfriend, kero." Kyahh! Stop!! "No, no! Maybe she has a husband!" "STOP IT!! ALL OF YOU!" The entire mall shakes with my voice, fuck. I overdid it. The girls are shocked including everyone around us. "W-what was that?.." Uraraka is shaking as she asks that. "It was probably onlyan earthquake..! Don't worry..." Momo reassures her, "But..Is something wrong, Rimuru-Chan?" She follows up her sentence. "I'm..just not interested in dating anyone, alright?" I explain, sighing. They now look incredibly guilty. "Oh..We're so sorry Rimuru-Chan! We didn't know!"  "We probably made you so uncomfortable, we're sorry!!" The girls are now bowing at me in apology. "It's alright.."

- END -

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