Chapter 2- A Tour Of The House

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The bright shining rays of morning sun cloaks the whole area.

Enters through the window and pierces Jennifer's sleep.

She opens her heavy eyes hardly and blinks a couple of times to wake up properly.

She sits from her laying position, yawn and stretch her hands in the air relieving the fatigue in her arms and forearms muscles.

She looks back at the couch she slept upon which is partially moistured because of her wet clothes and then realizes a purple blanket down upon her body. It wasn't present at the time when she fell asleep.

She pulls the blanket away and talks to herself, "this wandering soul is caring too" and gets up.

Enters the attached bathroom which seems clean, organized and in use. All items required by a bathroom is present.

She feels dirty from the last night rain and mud. When she turns the tap on, she gets astonished to feel the warmth of the fresh, clean water on her hands.
"Where did you get this water in such a desolated area?" She imaginarily talks to the dead man in joy.

She takes a warm pleasuring shower and let all the dirt on her body washes away along with the sorrows from her soul.

She comes out of the bathroom feeling light and hungry at the same time.
"Ohh this tummy wants some food", she holds her hungry stomach and walks out of the room.

The dirt that she intended to clean by the morning was already cleaned up.
She gets embarassed immediately and when holds the door knob to twist it open, she becomes panicked all of a sudden when she realizes it is locked.

"WTH!! Who locked this door?" She looks here and there in panic.

The man isn't present in the foyer of the house which connects to the first floor by stairs and kitchen on the opposite side of piano room.

When she looks out of the window she finds her car missing.

She becomes anxious because it seems like the man who calls himself dead has locked her in his house and went away with her car.

She sits in the couch placed in the centre of the foyer and holds her head thinking what to do now.

Suddenly, her mind bulb glows with the idea of a little bit of scanning of the house until he is gone.

So, she gets up and start wandering in 'wandering soul's' house.

The ground floor is simple, a large entrance hall having precious household goods, magnificently placed decorations, off white curtains on the windows in a match with the sofa set. Towards the right is the room she spent the night in which by its organization looks like the drawing room. Towards the left is kitchen which is clean, organized, have delicate dishes, an on refrigerator and a dinning table of six chairs.

On the junction wall between kitchen and staircase, there is a gray landline phone. On closer look she sees the wires are cut intentionally.


She walks up the stairs observing each and every detailed beauty of the house probably expensive and made with alacrity.

The first floor is divided into two hallways which connects to the bedrooms on both side.

She first walks towards the right side. A long centre piece carpet is spread in the hallway. Beautiful lamps on the walls. And white doors of the bedrooms that are opened into the hall.

The first door is partially open. She peeks through the door and sees the view of a newly wedd couple's bedroom.

Bedsheet is a mess. Looks like someone has slept here.

"Are you not scared of me?"
A stern voice jumps Jennifer who is completely overwhelmed by the beauty of the house.

"AAAHH!!", she screams in terror, can't register where the voice came from.

She turns around and finds the man standing right infront of her with the same expressionless face. He doesn't even seem to be happy about how finally and successfully he frightened the girl.

"No!" Jennifer tone changes into a scolding one.
"Why did you lock me?" She inquires.
The man walks into the bedroom ignoring her question and start making the bed.
"Did you just wake up?" Her volume lowers.
"I don't sleep", the man replies while folding the sheets.
A clear lie.
Jennifer stares at him in wonder for a while and then repeats the question that he rudely ignored earlier, "Why did you lock me?" waiting that hopefully will be answered this time.
"I didn't lock you. I locked myself. I lock myself every morning and open the door after sunset" finally he answers.

Jennifer lips apart in bewilderment, "wh... whyy?" she barely speaks.

"Day is not safe for a soul whose wandering without a body", he is done with bed making and looks at her, "Are you not scared of me?"

She is done listening to that same sentence again and again, "no... I am not scared of you at all. I don't think you're a wandering soul. Even if you are, I am still not scared of you. If you kept repeating that shit, I am going to snatch your tongue out of your mouth!", she howls in frustration.

The man gives her an expressionless glance and walks out of the room.

Jennifer looks at him, sighs in disgust and instead of following him, she enters the bedroom and start observing the sophistication of its nicely organized things.

The bedroom is themed with soft fur. White and black cushions, curtains and sheets. Picture frames on the walls and bedside table.
All of the pictures contain only two characters.
One is the rude, poker-faced, stupid man who says he is dead and the other is a beautiful lady.
It's there wedding photo frames, and the way they look into each other's eyes with love and affection puts a smile on Jennifer's face.
But the question arises, "where is his wife?"

"How could you do this to me?!"
"No I saw you I know everything, you used me."
"You've stabbed me in my heart. Wasn't my love enough for you?"
"Stop making me fool I am done with your lies you're nothing but a bitch who has ruined my whole life"
"No!!!! Your sins cannot be forgiven this easily"

A masculine voice shouts a little distantly but the person on the other side of the conversation cannot be heard.

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