Chapter 5-But Who And Why?

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Ryan leaves Jennifer frozen in her position and walks out of the kitchen.
Jennifer breathes heavily and slowly comes back to senses. She looks at the fruits and can't believe her eyes. She touches the apple in an irrelevant reconfirmation but it is real.

Suddenly, her eyes catch the bread packet which is also full. For a moment she starts doubting her ownself, "what am I then?" Not only what Ryan ate was refilled but also the food Jennifer had taken out of it. She holds her stomach thinking if that food has somehow taken out of her and recreated. She shakes her head *no that's nonsense*.
She is so overwhelmed at the situation that her mind runs blank.

She sits in the chair thinking about what just happened.
*There must be some reason*

Ryan comes back. His presence in the kitchen gives Jennifer a nerve wreck. She barely holds herself in the chair she is sitting in. Ryan opens the fridge again and pull out the packet of bread and peanut butter from it. He sits beside Jennifer and sophisticatedly spreads the butter spread on top of a bread piece using a knife. Jennifer stares at him harder when he takes a bite from it.
*What the hell going on?!!*

She rubs her eyes, thinking this might all be an illusion. Or maybe she is dreaming. She starts to observe Ryan specifically closer. That refrigerator thing was scary yet intriguing. After the breakfast, Ryan washes the dishes he used like the other day. When he is walking outside the kitchen he silently belches too. He is too alive to be dead! She walks towards the freshly washed dishes and touches a plate with her index finger, it is still wet. Apparently, everything made sense but where did all those missing food came from?

When she checks Ryan's yesterday dirty suit that he put in the storeroom, it becomes even scarier that it is gone too. The number of suits in his closet is also recompleted.
She goes to the kitchen to quench her thirst that is developing due to her dried mouth. She has to calm down and think. She fills a glass of water from the tap and gulps some large amount of water, cooling down her chest to the stomach. She thinks deeper of how this could have happened. She recalls everything from the moment she came to this house and finds no clue at any instant of her memory. The thought of Ryan's presence in the house is itself a horror movie.
"Are you not scared of me?" Ryan's plan voice jumps Jennifer in fright. She swiftly turns around and the glass slips from her trembling fingers. It lands directly on Ryan's foot and he winces in pain when the glass breaks at the contact. Tiny glass pieces pierces his skin and soon fresh red blood starts to ooze out. She stares at the lively blood staining his foot and then observes his grimacing face. Blood runs in his vessels and he feels pain too. A so not deadly factors. He goes upstairs and after cleaning his foot he stick some sticking bandages on the exact injuries. Jennifer is still standing in the kitchen, lost in thoughts when he returns and cleans the bloody stains on the floor. He gives a deadly glare to Jennifer in anger and then leaves. He has blood, he feels pain and he also gets angry. Again everything points towards he being alive. There must be some explanation about the food and the clothes.

By the day, nothing secret could have been done in the house that she wouldn't have noticed. So, Jennifer decides to hide in the kitchen for the night. After she makes sure that Ryan went to bed and fallen asleep. She heads to the kitchen and hide in an empty cupboard. She waits there. Time goes but nothing happens. She feels this was a stupid idea. But she still waits and slowly falls asleep inside the cupboard.

Just by the time when clock hits three, Jennifer's sleep is disturbed by a movement in the kitchen. In the dark, Jennifer sees a figure silently opening the fridge and changing all the items with what that person has brought in his boxes. He replaces all the half or full eaten stuff with new, fresh and identical ones, at the same spots.

After this, the mysterious person takes the other boxes and ascend up the stairs. Probably replacing the change occurred upstairs with unchange. And finally the person takes the left overs and the dirty clothes and walks outside the opened door.

Having involved a third person makes sense but it's even more creepy that someone enters the house every midnight and replace everything with new. Whoever this person is, he knows everything about Ryan.

Jennifer although scared like hell, develops confidence that she is not out of her senses and this is not a mere dream. But why would someone do that? And who could this person be? Where was this person the night she came in?

Is He Dead? [Complete/Editing]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz