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Author pov....

Others were in the room talking about other stuffs. To pass the time they started to play normal truth and dare which was really going well.

But they didn't know what was coming for them.

Peter was still restless for his girlfriend she is gone for too long and also no selca was sent by her. The darkness and silence of the corridor was running through his mind. While the others were busy in their game he was pulled out from his fright thoughts.

" Hey man relax she will come why are you getting so up tight?" Allen inquired with a frown he roamed his oxyn eyes around to register their puzzled faces.

He heaved and hung his head low.

" I don't think it was a best idea to send her alone in the dark she might get hurt" he gabbled in his small voice but flinched when a slight smack landed on his shoulder.

" Are you this much loyal to your precious girlfriend? Are you afraid that a ghost will appear and send her to death? If yes, then no worries it's my girlfriend's house it's safe and just like you she is also so loyal to me"

Only if he knew

Peter sighed and shook his head they are never going to be serious do they? He just want his girlfriend to return soon she he can pepper her face with kisses and affection.


She gasped when her eyes fell on the unknown scene yet familiar. The room was dark and murky but the souce allowed her to vision the object was moon light peeking through the outside.

There were coffins around the room if we count with narrowed eyes you will determine them. They are four.

The candle was the only thing she could take support of. Her skin wasn't fully coated with sweat and the smell was really not pleasing seems like it has been locked from eternities.

It smells suck.

She stepped ahead with her ragging haste breath ready to face any creature which will pop out any moment.

She gulped and looked around for any source to lit the room she scooted near the wall and roamed her hand on it only to find a thing sticking to it.

A wooden torch she guessed.

She with her candle hopping that it would lit tried to burn the upper cover but couldn't she groaned and gave up she looked around and slowly walked near a coffin they really looks old.

The room is really mysterious.

She hasitately touched it to trace the pattern of the sculpted coffin. Had to admit that the sculpture had magic in his hands. She with a deep gulp down to her throat slide the lid off the coffin only to see a mudy and dusty figure covered with something sticky and disgusting.

By the smell she could tell that the body is rotten. It's smell was forcing her systems to bubble the acid up and throw the acid out. She thought to return back and continue the pending game but before she could even touch the lid back something happened.

She passed out after the figure sat up out of blue and screamed it's lungs out on her face. She fainted with a scream.


She was taking too much time and her selca is also not reached now the worriness erupted in their system.

Peter was waiting but his

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2023 ⏰

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