back to namek saga (ch-43)

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(cut to The Lookout with Piccolo, Tien and Mr. Popo watching the news on TV showing millions of people fleeing from Cell)

NEWS REPORTER: Over the last thirteen hours, more than two dozen evacuation orders have been issued all over the globe. Thousands upon millions head countryside--including the endangered Saskatoon t-rexes--while others seek shelter. The world has never seen terror as real as it has today.

PICCOLO: You're kidding me...!

TIEN: Yeah, right? Dinosaurs are still a thing. It's odd how we never talk about it. At least not since we drove them out of the cities.

PICCOLO: I'm talking about terror! Never seen, my ass! My dad released every murderer out onto the streets, and overthrew the world government!

TIEN: Oh, right. And the king of the world is a blue cairn terrier.

PICCOLO: It's bullshit!

TIEN: I think it's pretty progressive.

VEGETI: Aw, look at the poor Namekian lost and forgotten to time.

NEWS REPORTER: Even the attack of the Saiyans five years ago pales in comparison to this overwhelming threat. As if comparing a cataclysm to a rampaging toddler.

VEGETI: Bullshit! We turned an entire city into a glass floor!

PICCOLO: Aw, look at the poor Saiyan lost and forgotten to time.

VEGETI: Watch it, Namekian! Unless you wanna go right now! And I think we both know how our last fight went.

PICCOLO: And I think we don't because we've never fought.

VEGETI: I... Wait, yo-- Really? But then how did you?

PICCOLO: Your dumbass friend.

VEGETI: Riiight! Wow! We've never actually fought! That's so weird! (to Mr. Popo) Isn't that weird, black man?

MR. POPO: Yeah... Almost as weird as what's gonna happen if you call me that again.

VEGETI: (thinking while gawking at Mr. Popo) What IS he?

(Trunks and Tien both gasps while Piccolo grunts and they all look at the room towards the Hyperbolic Time Chamber)

GOKI: (from inside) All right now, Gohan. When we get out there, try not to brag.

GOHAN: (from inside) About what?

GOKI: (from inside) That's it, son. And don't let slip just how much stronger we are. Otherwise Vegeti will be all, (imitates Vegeti's voice) "Oh, but my pride! Grr, I wish I were a carrot!"

GOHAN: (from inside) That's not inaccurate.

GOKI: (from inside) Piccolo will probably just growl and grumble. Really, it's too bad we're out of Namekians for him to absorb. Then he'd be as strong as Vegeti. (Vegeti growls in anger) Speaking of, did you know they never fought? (She and Gohan walk out the room, both of them in damaged armor and in their Super Saiyan forms) Crazy, right? (sees everyone else out front) Oh, hey, guys. What'd I miss?

VEGETI: (in anger) Mock my pride...

GOKI: Huh, what'd I tell ya? She's like a See 'n Saiyan!

VEGETI: (off-screen) I'MA KILL HER!!!

ALTER Y/N: (appears in front of Vegeti) WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE

VEGETI: I got stronger

ALTER Y/N: you let cell achieve her perfect form do you have any idea how much damage you caused

VEGETI: I made a decision that fit best from me what of it

ALTER Y/N: becuase of you and that (points to Krillin) fucking moron you've doomed earth

VEGETI: who cares I'll become something even stronger than a super saiyan and defeat her

ALTER Y/N: how can you be this prideful

VEGETI: and how could you be so rude to your future queen

ALTER Y/N: well excuse me my lady if I'm insulting you but after what you've done i really don't care what you think

VEGETI: do you honestly think I care what a low class piece of shit like you thinks of a sayain like me

ALTER Y/N: (twitching with anger) Vegeti

VEGETI: your nothing compared to me and so is your entire family and spawn your body produces will be worthless in my presence


VEGETI: in fact I think it's obvious that you are worthless to the saiyan race and you are a disgra-

(Everyone has shocked looks on there faces as Alter Y/N hand is covered in blood clenching Vegeti heart through her own stomach as she stares him in the eyes shocked at what he did as he yanks his arm out and her body falls to the ground)

ALTER Y/N: shit didn't mean to do that

GOKI: you killed Vegeti

ALTER Y/N: I can see that Goki

PICCOLO: you know we don't have any dragon balls right

ALTER Y/N: everyone just be quiet while I think I'm going in the time chamber (slams door)

Krillin: huh she does have a heart

PICCOLO: not the time Krillin

Y/N: (steps out) we need to go to namek

TIEN: why

Y/N: so we can use their dragon balls to summon back vegeti

KRILLIN: why can't we use earth's dragon balls

Y/N: because there are none in secondly during namek you used the Earth's dragon balls to revive everybody that Frieza had killed which included Vegeti so that wouldn't work but we haven't used namek dragon balls to revive people

TIEN: But how will we get to namek with no pod

ALTER Y/N: I got this grab on

(Cuts to namek with several ships floating around it as alter Y/N and everyone else arrive)

ALTER Y/N: see now we just have to find their dragon balls and

GOHAN: look at those ships up there I sense dangerous energy inside them

Goki: ya a lot like frieza

KRILLIN: (hearing frieza name) AHHHHHHHH

MINION 1: in the name of cooler we demand you stop that racket

KRILLIN: AHHHHHH wait I'm getting deja vu

MINION 2: alright now stay where you are and we'll shoot- (gets neck snapped by alter Y/N)

ALTER Y/N: nope

MINION 1: g-get away (tries to fly away)

(Alter Y/N grabs his leg and slams him into the ground and ki blasts him vaporizing his body into ash)

ALTER Y/N: alright let's go (flies away)

KRILLIN: I hope I don't die (everyone flies after him)

(Cuts to the massive ship with a women sitting in a chair)

SALZA: Madam cooler

COOLER: what

SALZA: several power levels have been detected on the planet

COOLER: so kill them

SALZA: two minions were already killed

COOLER: hmm well then send out more minions to find the dragon balls

SALZA: as you wish my lady

COOLER: I will get my wish and after that little Y/N will be mine

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