burning love letters and scattering ashes.

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In the flickering flames, memories turn to ash,
Love letters once cherished, now consumed by fire,
A bittersweet ritual, a farewell so brash,
Scattering remnants of a passionate desire.

Each letter, a testament to love's fervent flame,
Words penned with ardor, inked with tender care,
Now consumed by the fire's relentless claim,
Leaving behind fragments of a love affair.

As the ashes scatter, carried by the wind,
A poignant reminder of love's transient state,
Whispering secrets, stories that have thinned,
They drift away, surrendering to fate.

Yet let us not mourn the burning of the past,
For in those letters, a journey was inscribed,
Lessons learned, memories that forever last,
Through flames and ashes, love's essence survived.

For love transcends the boundaries of paper,
Its imprint etched upon the core of our being,
Though letters fade, the love remains, a caper,
In hearts and souls, its flame forever freeing.

So let the fire cleanse and purify,
Release the weight of what's no longer meant to be,
Embrace the new, love's phoenix rising high,
From the ashes, a chance to be set free.

As the scattered remnants find their final rest,
May healing emerge from the remnants burned,
May love's essence guide us to what's best,
As new chapters unfold, from lessons learned.

For in burning love letters and scattering ash,
We find closure, a catharsis in the flame,
A fresh beginning, where new love may splash,
And the echoes of the past, no longer tame.

So let us bid farewell to what's been written,
Embrace the present, and what's yet to come,
For love's journey, ever-changing, unbidden,
Continues to unfold, even when letters are done.

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