moss is growing over my memories of you.

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Like nature's gentle touch, moss starts to creep,
Over the memories that once held you so near,
A subtle veil of green, where our moments seep,
Creating a new tapestry, softening the pain, I fear.

With time as its ally, moss begins to grow,
Covering the echoes of our love's past,
A quiet resilience, a gradual overthrow,
As nature reclaims what no longer lasts.

The vibrant hues of memories slowly fade,
As moss blankets the remnants of our story,
Yet with each passing day, healing is made,
In the gentle embrace of nature's allegory.

The moss becomes a symbol of renewal,
Of letting go and finding peace within,
Transforming the pain into something beautiful,
A testament to the strength that lies within.

And as the moss spreads over the memories we shared,
A transformation takes place, a new perspective found,
No longer burdened by the weight of what was aired,
I grow, I heal, and my heart becomes unbound.

In this gentle growth, I find solace and release,
As moss covers the traces of our past,
I embrace the beauty that lies in peace,
And create new memories that forever last.

So let the moss grow over the memories of you,
A natural process of growth and moving on,
In its quiet presence, a journey of renewal ensues,
As I find myself in the light of a brand-new dawn.

The moss, a gentle reminder of strength and grace,
Nature's embrace, reclaiming what was once mine,
I welcome the change, as time does erase,
And let the moss grow, a symbol of love's design.

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