rose quartz in my pocket.

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Rose quartz in my pocket, a tender embrace,
A stone of love and compassion, in its tranquil grace.
A gentle reminder, as I journey through the day,
Of the power of love, in every step and sway.

Smooth and cool to the touch, its energy flows,
Calming the heart, releasing emotional throes.
With each breath, its soothing vibes impart,
A sense of peace and healing, to the depths of my heart.

Rose quartz, a symbol of unconditional love,
A beacon of compassion, descending from above.
It whispers sweet reassurances, in moments of doubt,
Guiding me towards love's path, without a shadow of clout.

In my pocket, it resonates, a constant source,
Radiating positive energy, like a loving force.
It opens my heart, letting love freely flow,
Enveloping me in a warm, comforting glow.

This gentle crystal, a guardian of the heart,
Protecting against negativity, playing its part.
It encourages self-love, nurturing from within,
Embracing my worth, letting self-doubt thin.

Rose quartz in my pocket, a silent confidant,
Absorbing my worries, like a patient savant.
A steadfast companion, through joys and strife,
Reminding me that love is the essence of life.

So as I carry this rose quartz, close to my side,
I'm reminded to love and let love be my guide.
In its gentle presence, I find solace and peace,
A reminder that love's power will never cease.

Rose quartz in my pocket, a treasure so dear,
Reminding me that love is always near.
With its gentle touch, I am whole and complete,
In the embrace of love's essence, eternally sweet.

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