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How exciting! The Winx help Stella to choose the dress she'll wear at the big Solaria party.

Meanwhile, someone is plotting in the shadows .... the Trix ally with the powerfull sorcerrer Valtor to conquer the Magic Dimension. Through a magic portal, they reach Andros, Aisha's world.

Stella is not well seen on Solaria. Countless Cassandra and her daughter Chimera, who aim at the throne of Solaria, envy Stella so much that they ally with Valtor. The terrible sorcerer strengthens Chimera's spells.... What could happen now ????

Stella's worst nightmare seems to have become real ... Chimera turns her into a monster! The Winx manage to manage to escape from the Solaria's royal guards and to rescue Stella.

In order to bring Stella normal, the Winx and the specialists have to find the Mirror of Truth. Stella manages to find it and thanks to her love teardrops cried over the mirror, she goes back to normal!

At Alfea, the third school year has begun and the Winx have to go back to studying! The final exam will consists in transforming Enchantix fairies, which will be possible only to an extreme act of courage and sacrifice.

To conquer the world of Andros, Valtor turns the mermaid into monsters at his service. The Winx try in vain to reverse the spell, but they are attacked by the Trix, allied with the sorcerer.

During the fight at the sea, Aisha is blinded by Valtor. The fairy decides to use the coral gem not to heal herself but to save the queen Ligea, hurt by an sea monster. Because of her sacrifice, Aisha turns into her enchantix fairy, and thanks to the fairy dust she can now see again.

Sky and Bloom's relationship is Nat going well because of Diaspro. The fairy, who's always been in love with Sky, uses a magic portion to subdue the prince to her will. To Bloom's great suprise , before all the royals from the Magic Dimension, Sky announces the name of the future princess of Eraklyon: Diaspro

Things fall apart! Diaspro accuses Bloom of being one of Valtor's spies and sends guards against the Winx. During the fight King Radius is in danger and Stella sacrifices herself to rescue him. This action allows to trans form her into an Enchantix fairy.

Shortly afterwards,Musa also gets the new power! During an attack to Alfea, the Trix hold hostage Galatea, the princess of melody (city). Musa rescues her and because of this she turns into an Enchantix fairy.

Poor Faragonda....Valtor turned her into an oak. The Winx run to Lynphea where there is a special water that can bring back to normal their beloved headmistress.

Once they get to Lynphea, the Winx find a bad suprise : the Trix have made the healing water dirty black and dirty! A fight starts, and Miele, Flora's little siater , is hit by a spell and ends up in the water. Flora rescues her, transforming into an Enchantix fairy.

Andros world is in danger! Tecna saves it from catastrophe and transforms into am Enchantix fairy. But while trying to close a magic portal, she is sucked in and disappears into the air...

Discouraged by the loss of their friend Tecna, Bloom goes on Pyros world to recover herself. Finnaly, she will manage to tranform into an Enchantix fairy, thanks to her will power.

Timmy foundout that Tecn is alive, although she is trapped in Omega Dimension. The Winx and the Specialists go to the frozen world and rescue their friend,going back safe and sound.

Thanks to wizard Nabu, who holds a special place in Aisha's heart, and using the dragon flame power Bloom defeats once and for all the Trix and Valtor.

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