chapter 1,

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"Why can you do anything right!" England shouted, a young America sat on the floor tears pouring from his eyes , "why can't you just be more like your brothers? Why can't you just be normal!" England grab the stuffed bear from America's arms, "no give it back! Please give back!..." America begged. "No son of mine is going to be playing with stupid dolls!." England said before tossing the bear into the fireplace, that bear was the only thing felt america had of his mother and now it was gone... America stood up a ran out of the room. Not listening as his father call after him, somehow he made it outside but still did stop running.

America legs hurt as he lean against a tree. He couldn't stop crying he hated his father's everything thing he tried hr couldn't never make his father happy.. why did he have to be punished for no reason? Why was he the problem child?... Ne his brothers were right they'd be better off dead!

America laid there he knew his father wouldn't come looking for him... No one would come looking for him, it was a perfect place for him to die alone.. he knew he was on the break ho frostbite. When he hread something, "you poor child, how could anyone leave you out here?.." america the last association to look up seeing a tall man his face black god and white but he couldn't say a word before blacking out
It's been almost 20 years since that's happened and america still doesn't remember who saved him that day but sometimes he wished they didn't, America sighted standing up sure he made his father proud, he's the CEO and leader of the largest company and district in pangea, but at what cost?, His happiness, his humanity, sure he has his own kids not and loves them to death but he still isn't happy.

America just couldn't take it anymore he's tired of wearing a fake smile! He's tried of being just a cash cow for his father he's tried of being in a family that doesn't even love him he tried of being married to someone who doesn't even love him... He tried of being tried like a puppet,  all the memories of him having to endure his father's abuse and being labeled as the bad child just because he wants to be different.... There one place he could go but he wasn't going to like it

America walked into his son's eoom. "Hey buddy wake up.." he said softly Texas eyes slowly opened "dad? What time is it?" "Don't worry about it can you get your brother for me and meet me downstairs" "o-oksy.." Texas didn't question it waking up his brother's, america went back to his bedroom leaving his credit cards and other stuff behind only taking the case money he kept in the safe, he had to leaves before mexico got home, Texas, California, Alaska, Florida, and New York, were all waiting downstairs all but Alaska completely confused on what was going on and why there father was rushing around the house, Alaska was the oldest a he was the first the witness his father being abuse not just by his step father but also by the person he was supposed to call grandad, Alaska was the production of America getting drunk at a part and ending up in bed with his enemy Societ. Well at the time they were close friends but not enemies.

"Shit!" America said as Mexico's car pulled into the driveway,"kids go out the back now!" Hey order they quickly ran to the back door hoping into America's truck which was kept back there but america couldn't remember why, . He started the engine a quickely drove off, until he was far away from that house."dad what's going on ?" Texas asked "I'll... I'll explain later right now you guys are going to spend a bit of time at your uncle place okay?" America responded typing something into the GPS,
Texas just sat back in his seat not questioning it further...

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