Chapter 2,

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America stared at the large building Infront of him, in was surrounded by a large army base. He walked up to the slowly pushing them open the warm air hitting his face as he walked inside,

"Hello sir can I he-help you..." The younger soldier at the front desk muttered, he was expecting to see suck a powerful person standing Infront of him, "I just want to talk your boss..." "R-right a-aeay!" The soldier said quickly pressing the button on the red phone by his desk,

*Ring* *ring*

"Сделано сука!" Soviet muttered sitting up in his bed grabbing the phone  on the bedside table, "it better be important for waking Mr up so fucking late!" "I-i s-sorry sir b-but y-you have a guest" Soviet groaned "then tell the to fuck off! I'm trying to slre-" "it's america sir!" Soviet stopped what he was about to say, "your joke isnot funny!" "It's not a joke sir I swear!" *Sigh* Soviet got out of bed. "It better not be or I have you on yard duty till you drop!" He shouted hanging up the phone, thought he could help but wonder what america wanted to speak to him about,

Soviet walked out of the elevator and sure enough wait for him in the lobby was the Great US of A. Soviet was actually surprise to see the america standing, "had he been crying?" He thought noticing that once cocky smile america always had was gone,

"Oh Soviet your here" the American said walking over to the taller country. "Of course I'm here it is my building after sl, what's this about any Amerika?" Hr asked crossing his arms, "can we talk some private?", Soviet rolled his eyes and motioned for The American to follow him down the hall to his office .

The largest room was completely sound proof and was the only room that had no security cameras, not bigs, "do you want anything to drink?" He asked opening a bottle of vodka and mixing it with Pepsi, america shook his head as Soviet sat next to him on the love seat, "soo what i-" "I want to sell my company to you!"... Soviet was about to spit out  his drink he couldn't believe what he just hread "your joking!?" Soviet said, but the look on america face was way to serious for him to be joking, "I have too ask why?" Soviet asked cracking a smile.

"I just...I just can take it anymore! The only fucking reason I started the stupid company was to make my father proud of me! But do you think he is? No! ,He married me off to someone who doesn't even love me anymore, hr k I can't even fucking remember the last time I talked to mexico. Why can I just br happy for once! Why can't I just feel love for once..." America said, tears building up in his eyes

Soviet was, surprised to say the least, he always thought of America as a cocky party animal who was a bit spoiled, but not that same guy was sitting next to to his balling his eye. Soviet pitty the younger male, wondering how America went that line with breaking.

"Huff Проклятье" Soviet said. Placing and arm around America pull him closer allowing him to rest his head on his shoulder....

Noe that Soviet thought about it Head been in this same situation before. Year ago him and america had been in this same situation in highschool when the were actually kinda friends.....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2023 ⏰

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