Truth - ☁️

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Maybe it was your eyes, and how they seemed to glow under the hallway lights, the slight lines that formed when you squinted lightly as you lighted the world with that bright smile of yours.

Or maybe it was your smile– the one that showed your teeth, curving up perfectly while still highlighting your soft lips as you laughed.

Or maybe it was more than just a few body parts and light actions, but Sasuke Uchiha was hooked.

As you laughed with your friends in the hallway, Sasuke tried his best not to stare too long. He couldn't recall the last time he felt this way about a person– the whole stomach churning, heartbeat quickening, and other shenanigans as you feel when you have a crush on someone. It was exciting and terrifying at the same time.

And it started from the very first day he laid his eyes on you.


"Uh, Sasuke-san?" While taking a break and a large gulp of water by the side of the gym, to be confronted by a handsome boy with hopeful eyes was probably the last thing on his mind. And yet here you were, watching him intently, a flame of determination lighting up your soul.

"Yes?" He answered coolly. You smiled, and for some reason, it made him feel warm inside. Like you were the sun and he had been waiting in the night.

"Do you mind if I take some pictures of you during practice?" He blushed slightly, unsure how to respond, and that's when it hit you just how odd your question sounded.

"I-it's for the school magazine! I've asked for the consent of everyone in the team too."

"Oh, right." He felt stupid for thinking he was special. He nodded. "Of course." There was that smile again, and he could feel his heart flipping at the sight of it.

"(M/N)-chan~!" Naruto's voice echoed through the whole hall. "Make sure to capture me from the left side okay? It's my better side for this week." You sighed, but replied almost monotonously. "Right, okay."

Naruto gleamed before scurrying off while Sasuke rolled his eyes at his attention-seeking best friend. And from the looks of your face, you didn't look too keen on following Naruto's demands, or maybe that was just Sasuke's annoyance blurring his vision? But your next sentence confirmed his suspicions.

"Don't tell him, but he's kinda annoying sometimes." Sasuke chuckled, although a tad bit surprised at your bluntness and humor. "You have no idea. I've dealt with him since elementary."

"Wow." You were impressed. "So, it's not just your swings that are amazing, but your tolerance against annoying people too, huh?" He chuckled again. "Maybe that's why my swings are amazing. Gotta vent out that tolerance somewhere, right?"

"Well vent out real good today, alright? Give me something good to capture." He nodded slightly, giving you a half-smile, trying not to think about just how easy it was talking to you despite having just met that moment. His hopeless romantic side kept bugging him about it being something special, but he had to focus on practice– and so blocked those thoughts out.

He made his way back to the field, a stupid grin still plastered across his face– but it didn't last long. There was always some kind of nuisance to kick him back into gear.

"Oi Teme, why are you smiling like that huh~?" Naruto eyed his friend almost knowingly, wiggling his brows with a slight tease in his voice. Sasuke simply ignored him.

"Oh~ Is it because of (M/N)-chan over there? Gotta admit he's pretty hot right? Y'know, I might just ask for his numb–" A kick landed on his side before he could finish that sentence, coming at full swing from Sasuke's amazing strength. The pitcher clenched his fists in annoyance, eyebrows furrowing, but he softened the moment he heard a hypnotizing chuckle from the other side of the hall, where you were.

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