Chapter - 2

121 9 14

Sid's POV

I was going towards my car for taking my stuff when my eyes stuck on beautiful girl

Oh god she has perfect figure , perfect eyes , cute button nose also plumpy lips but something is looking odd in her eyes which is some unknown emotions something sorrow full or maybe loneliness but they also have a shine yeah shine of hopes

You wanna see her , ok wait let me show you

You wanna see her , ok wait let me show you

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( Author - ignore her cute smile )

Look isn't she is looking too cute aww Cutie and like that I was just admiring her but suddenly she look up at me giving me a whole clear view of her pretty face yeah actually at first when I saw her her side was facing me but now we are looking in each other eyes oh god she really have such beautiful choclate brown eyes but why isn't she smiling . Her face have an emotionless expressions .

Actually I also don't know why I am behaving like this because ofc it is my first time when I am or you can say I just want to look at her , want to discover that unknown or maybe known emotions in her eyes but I need to stop now

Why ?

Ofc because maybe she is feeling uncomfortable as everyone was just looking at her i was just thinking all this when she broke our eye lock and start walking i was still looking at her only which was continuously going far and far away .

You know what I never believe in first sight love because in first sight people just look at each-others exterior beauty no one look at her or his interior beauty actually i also don't know what is the correct definition of LOVE but I very well know that falling for someone's beauty is not love .

I also don't know what is happen to me in these couples of minutes but she is attracting me her eyes is .............

I was lost in her when suddenly sm1 bumped into me and she was about fall but I caught her by putting my hand on her waist .

Sm1 ( shout ) - what the fuck how dare you to touch me ha what do yo.....

And she stop shouting when her eyes lift up to see who I am

Maybe she wasn't expecting handsome face like me hehe did I forget to tell you that I am self obsessed leave it . She was looking at me when suddenly that girl's ( Avu ) face came in front of my eyes left her in jerk because of this her butt kiss the floor

Oh god ! I really didn't mean to do it

after which i look in the direction where she was but now she is gone

Sid - shit

Sid's POV Ends

Yeah she is not Avu

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