Chapter 1

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Tw- mention of violence (nothing graphic I promise)
I woke up to the sound of a car's engine roaring to life. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. I was in some sort of a garage, it was large though. So it might have been an old private parking lot. There were shelves with all kind of tools on one side, another corner had a coach, rags, chairs and a tv, and another had cars. A lot of cars. As i finally look up, i saw Dom and his 'gang' hovering and looking down at me.

Dom had a smug look on his face while the others didn't look as happy. Guess they weren't really into the whole kidnapping thing. 'Well well well, look who's finally up.' Dom began talking. That's when all my senses came back to me and i could feel a pounding ache on my head, must've hit it.

'Who are you?' He demanded. I was obviously scared and in shock, i didn't answer him as i felt tears streaming down my face. 'WHO.ARE.YOU.' he yelled. I let out a scared sob but realised it would get worse if i didn't answer him now. 'Y/n.' i said. My voice came out cracked and barely a whisper bt Dom heard it. 'And who are you to Cipher?' he asked. I was too dumbstruck to even understand what he was asking me.

After about 10 seconds he got annoyed and threw something heavy on the ground which made me flinch. 'How do you know Cipher?' he repeated, this time in different words. 'She..she's my girlfriend.' i sobbed out. 'I just wanna go home,' i told him. 'Please.' i begged and i saw Letty's face soften at this and she looked like she was about to run off. 'Well,' he said. 'Looks like the bitch managed to get herself a slut.' he spitted. 'Of course she's a fag.' he muttered quitly, only for me to hear. He got closer to me and i tried to back away as much as i could, considering i was tied up. 'Don't worry, we're not gonna kill you.' he laughed. 'But you just proved yourself useful to us.'

he continued, as he got out my phone and dialled Cipher's number as i started crying again. 'I can't watch this.' Roman said as he got out of this place.  The phone rang a few times before it stopped. Meaning Cipher had answered. Dom put the phone on speaker so me and Letty could hear. 'Y/n love thank god. I got so worried when you didn't call i already started packing to get back. But if everything's okay i was wandering if we could get dinner tonight. I made us reservations at this place you mentioned, i have a surprise for you..' Cipher started talking without even giving Dom a chance to say it's him. Listening to her talking like that gave me comfort. I already missed her so much i just wanna be back in her arms and go to that restaurant she made reservation for and talk to her and hold her hand and UGH i just wanna be with her right now. Dom suddenly laughed. 'Awee isn't that adorable.'

Cipher POV-

Y/n hadn't called in 5 hours. She could be asleep but she would tell me, right? She knows im expecting a call. Or maybe she just fell asleep without noticing or her phone died. Suddenly my phone rang. I picked it up and it was y/n.

My face instantly lit up. I didn't wait for her to even say hey before i started talking my ass off while fidgeting with the little box in my hand. I was planning to propose to her when i get back. Suddenly i was cut off by someone laughing, and it wasn't y/n.  'Awee isn't that adorable.' i heard the all too familiar voice from the other line. My jaw dropped.

'Dom. why do you have y/n's phone?' i asked, worry washing over me. 'Well, if you can kidnap my family, i can kidnap yours.' he chuckled. Oh fuck. 'Dom, please, let her go. What do you want?' i felt myself let out a small sob. I usually wouldn't but this was different. This was my y/n. 'I want you to suffer,' he said. 'And i obviously can't go after you. Don't you just think this is so fitting? Like the phrase says, an eye for an eye, girlfriend for a girlfriend.' he chuckled. He was insane. I grew more panicked by the second. 'Dom, no. please. I'll do anything just don't hurt her. Please.' i begged. By this time he was satisfied enough with today's mental torture so he just hung up on me. I tried calling, and calling, but no answer.


After Dom had enough of Cipher's begging, he hung up with a chuckle. It broke my hear hearing her like this, all because of me. And suddenly i was crying again just thinking about her. Letty left the room which left me alone with Dom, which i really didn't appreciate.

Dom then got closer to me and whispered. 'Well, since we're gonna spend a while together, i thought we could get to know each other.' I just wanna get out of here. I tried to get away from him but he grabbed me by the neck and raised his hand. 'Oh, and you better be obedient.' he said. Just as he was about to hit me, the door opened and he quickly pushed away from me.

'Dom? Are you here? Letty said i could find you downstairs.' the person said. Her voice sounded a bit soft, well at least her tone compared to Dom's. 'Yeah i'm over here.' he called out. I then heard footsteps walking towards us. I couldn't see who it was as the lighting was bad, but after a few minutes i saw her. She wasn't very tall but wasn't short either, and she was a brunette. Kinda reminded me of Dom. the girl scanned me and then looked at Dom. She seemed confused.

'Dom, what's all this about?' Dom was about to explain but the girl turned to me and cut him off. 'Hi, i'm Mia, Doms brother.' she put out her hand. 'I would shake it but i'm kinda tied up here.' i said sarcastically. 'Dom, release her.' the girl demanded. I smiled a little at the gesture. 'Do you know who she is?' Dom asked and Mia nodded no. 'Well, you remember how less then a year ago my family was kidnapped and i was beng blackmailed by Cipher?' Dom asked and Mia just nodded slowly. 'Yes, but what does this poor girl have to do with any of this?'

Dom just chuckled. 'Well, a girlfriend for a girlfriend.' He said. 'Dom you're being ridiculous. This girl didn't do anything. You wanna get back on Cipher? Get a go on her. But don't involve innocent people.' Mia finished her speech. 'Cipher kidnapped my family, they were innocent too. Why shouldn't i do the same to her family?' He almost screamed.

'Because Dom, we're not Cipher. Be the bigger person here. And i do get the feeling that this girl is the only family Cipher has, so think. If you're this upset over Elena, after your family that loves you and supports you comforted you every day since, think what it would be like for Cipher. Because i just know it wouldn't end up well for all of us. She will get back at you and stronger then before. She wouldn't hesitate to hurt any of us.' Mia pleaded. But Dom only seemed irritated.

'Well she should've thought before messing with my family. I'm not backing down and you can't convince me otherwise. And also, this girl isn't innocent. She was done being innocent the minute she chose to date a woman who does all these horrible things and still love and support her. It's either she's being lied to or she's that stupid. Probably the second one.' Dom shrugged. I was furious. How dare he? But i didn't say anything as i know it would just piss him off even more. 'Now you're just being pathetic. I really am sorry.' Mia turned to look at me and i gave her a small smile, then she left.

Not much longer after that Dom followed and slammed the door, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Longer chapter !! I didn't wanna start off with too much, so here's this. Also, because y/n is hostage she's not really able to be with Cipher. So I was wandering if you guys would want a flashback every now and then to their relationship because the kidnapping. Let me know !
Have a great day xx

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