Chapter 3

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During this 1 hour period i tried to get myself looking as best as i can, considering the situation. And also not to freak out. I tried not to get my hopes up, i don't even know if this is legit. Maybe this is just one of his mind games, getting me all excited to meet Ci and then learning it was all a bunch of bullshit.

I wouldn't be surprised if he did that, why wouldn't he? Or maybe it's just a setup for him to get her, lure her here using me as bate and then kidnapping her as well. I mean i know i'm just a pawn in his game, if you could even call it that. But it's probably all this is to him, a game.

I really did try not to get my hopes high, but that was almost impossible. I kept thinking about her, about her devilish smile, her laugh, her eyes, her voice. I missed her, a lot. And the thought of finally seeing her again made me almost smile from ear to ear, almost. I was still in this shithole and our conversation will definitely be cut short by him.

There was a little piece of broken glass on the floor, enough for me to see myself almost properly. I used this as a mirror to try and fix my hair and brush any dirt i have on my face.I also straightened out my clothes.

I looked in the mirror again. I did look better, but not enough. I didn't want Cipher to see me like this. So... broken. Wore out, tired, in pain. I know it'll make her even angrier at Dom, if that's even possible. And i didn't want her doing anything stupid, it could only get her hurt.

I didn't know how much time had passed, but i kept myself occupied by counting the broken tiles on the floor. By the time i reached 346 tiles, the door opened and i saw two figured walking towards me. As they got closer i made them out to be Letty and Roman. 'Time to go'. Letty said as she helped me up and guided me outside the room. That was the first time i was out in the past couple days.

Outside the room didn't look much different. It was mostly trashed hallways and broken doors. I'm not sure if this is a place they actually visit often, doesn't seem like it anyway.Letty held my wrist as we walked through the hallways, turning to a different hallway every now and then.

The 10 minutes we spent walking felt like years, and my mind was so preoccupied by the upcoming event that i accidentally stumbled into things on the way as i wasn't paying attention.I was worried a lot.

About what i'm gonna say to her, how much will i even be allowed to say. If she's going to be okay, being here with Dom. if he already got to her, and she looked even worse then i did. I knew i wouldn't be able to hug her, even hold her hand. Which would hurt a lot. She would be so close yet so far away. But i'm just happy to see her, and talk to her.

We finally got to the right room. Roman knocked, probably letting Dom know we're here. Letty opened the door and gently pushed me in. i stumbled a bit but managed to catch myself.

In the room was a metal table with a single plastic chair. The wall in front of it had a huge mirror installed on it. It took me a few moments to realise it wasn't a mirror, but just a clear glass separating this room, and an almost identical one.

'Y/n, you're finally here. As you know, we have a very special guest for you.' Dom said in an overly sickening sweet tone, which was clearly out of mockery. 'Now, remember the rules doll, or you know what happens.' He said in a strict, yet amused voice.

'Where is she?' i demanded, keeping my voice still soft as i didn't want to upset him any further. 'Patience doll, you'll see her any minute now.' he smirked.God i hate that smirk. I hate when he calls me that nickname, and to be honest, i hate everything about him.

The room was quite for a few minutes until the door on the other side finally cracked open, then opened fully.

Cipher came in and looked right at me. I couldn't help the smile that spread on my face. As i payed more attention to her expression, i could see she was crying, and about to cry again. It really hurt me seeing her like this.Suddenly she started smiling. A sad smile, but it was still her smile. 'Y/n.' she said and started tearing up.

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