Chapter 4

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'Y/n'. She said and started tearing up. Seeing her like this almost made me tear up myself. But I wanted to stay strong, for her. 'Ci..' she smiled sadly and put her hand on the glass. I wanted to step closer and do the same but remembered what Dom said.

'I missed you.. so much.' She put her hand on her mouth as she started sobbing. 'I'm sorry.. I'm sorry. It's just seeing you like this..' she rambled as she wiped her tears away.
'This is all my fault. I shouldn't have left you alone.. I knew how dangerous it is.' I felt my heart drop at her words. 'No.. Ci no it's not your fault. I should've listened to you.'

She shakes her head as Dom walks closer to me. 'You finally have me here Dom, you got what you want. Now let her go.' She says sternly but her tone gave away she was desperate. Dom just chuckled and stepped closer. 'No.. I don't think I will.'

Cipher's expression changed as she looked at him confused. 'What? Why not? What else do you want?' She says angrily. 'I suggest you take your tone down a notch doll.' He says smirking. 'I think I'll keep your precious y/n here a little more.. you see, I'm not quite sure what to do with you yet, and I need a leverage.

Cipher looks mad now and she bangs on the glass. 'I *will* get her out Dom. No matter what it takes.' Dom just laughs and shrugs. 'You can go ahead and try doll. I think your time is up for now. Say goodbye to each other.' He sings the last part and laughs as he leaves the room.

'Y/n i promise I'll get you out.' She says. I nod and smile at her. 'I love you Ci.. but don't come again if he asks.' I say sternly. 'You know I have to. He'll hurt you if I don't!' She exclaims. 'I know, but I can take it. He'll do worse to you Ci.' I try explaining but she won't have it. 'I don't care.. he already hurt you enough. Y/n i can't lose you.' She sighs as she steps closer to the glass and I do the same.

'Ci please just listen to me. I mean you said you'll get me out.. I can wait until then, I'll survive here, you won't. I trust you.' I say softly and give her a sad smile. 'Are you sure?' She sighs, finally giving in. 'Yes I am.' I say more confidently, trying to reassure her. 'Look out the window tonight, look at the stars and know im looking at the same ones.' She says softly.

'I love you.' She says and then leaves the room. Right after that dom Walks in again and grabs my wrist. 'How was your chit chat?' He teases. 'Fuck you.' I shot back as he drags me out and throws me back into the room I was in before.

I sit against one of the old crippling walls in the room and bury my head in my knees. Tears start flowing out as I think about todays meeting. I didn't get to see her smiling, laughing, or anything I was used to.

I really was hurt seeing her like this. Hurt, heartbroken and feeling guilty. I never want her to feel like that, especially over me. Just the thought of it makes me sob again. But then I think about her words 'I will get her out, no matter what it takes.' And take comfort in them.

She's coming for me.. she's working on getting me out of here. All I have to do is stay strong and wait for her. I look out the dirty barred window and look at the blue night sky and the stars, knowing cipher is looking aswell.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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