Jimmy felt a cold breeze hit his face as he slowly stepped out through the big metal door. The wind caused a slight lift in his dark, heavy curls. A cough escaped from his mouth as he made his way down the stairs and onto the ground. He gave the plane one final glance before making his way into the shiny black car that would soon be taking him to one of the biggest events of his life.

A three night show at Madison Square Garden in New York City. Jimmy could not help but sigh at the thought. Of course he was excited. This was every rockstars dream. A crowd like this was sure to cause a good party. Jimmy had been looking forward to this for months- No, his whole life! Still, the thought of it nothing but drained him now.

The past week had been terrible. The tour was going well, everyone was happy. Everyone but Jimmy. He could not quite put the matter into words. The reason for his sudden depression and exhaustion was unknown to him. All he was sure of was that he would like it to stop.

It was like something was missing. To Jimmy this made no sense. He had everything he could ever dream of- and more. Every guitar he had ever wanted was now his. Money would never be something he would have to worry about again. He had a successful band. He had good friends. Jimmy even had a family whom he could call his own. What else could a man like himself possibly need.

Jimmy shook his head. His own greediness disgusted him. He was better than this- or at least he wanted to believe he was.

Lately, the band had seemed to pick up on the foul mood of their usually hard working and motivated guitarist. Jonesy, the bassist, had on several occasions attempted to cheer Jimmy up, but was forced to give up every time.

Jimmy did not want to be comforted. Simply because he didn't believe his problem was a real problem. This was his own fault. All the drugs and the constant working. This empty feeling was nothing but a consequence of his rock 'n roll lifestyle.

The car stopped. Page, who had been deep in thought, jumped when the car door was opened. The journey to the stadium was much shorter than he expected. Not that he minded- this would give him more time to prepare for the show.

Jimmy's slender frame left the car. The driver had dropped him off in a big open area. He shivered as he looked around, wanting to see if he was the first to arrive.

He was not. Only standing a few meters away from him, was Robert Plant. Jimmy scanned his band mate. His tall and strong figure stood confidently as he reached up to push some of his wild golden hair away from his face. Robert had always fascinated Jimmy.

Of course, Plant was an amazing singer. His unique voice could stretch and ring any way it needed to. Still, that was not the reason behind Jimmy's fascination. It was Roberts whole act. The way he could charm thousands of people with a simple body movement. His playful smile and soft voice only excited people more.

Jimmy had experienced it. A conversation with Robert was like dancing with stars. His thoughtful words, dumb jokes and intelligent mind all mixed together and complimented each other perfectly. Robert was the only person who Jimmy truly saw as a worthy conversation partner.

Jimmy blinked. Robert was now in front of him, still carrying that playful grin he never seems to shake off.

"We need you awake tonight." He put a hand on the thinner man's fragile back and directed him towards the backstage area. Jimmy felt a tingle shoot through his body, which he assumed was caused by the sudden unexpected touch.

Jimmy still had not said a word. He did not feel as if he needed to. No silence was uncomfortable with Robert. It was like they had developed some kind of unspoken understanding of each others needs. Robert liked to talk, Jimmy did not.

The blonde was talking. Something about a broken amplifier. Jimmy did not know. He was not listening. His green eyes were focused on Roberts face. All sound was blocked out. The only thing he could register was the way Robert's eyelashes had a slight natural curl to them.

Once again Jimmy was embarrassingly pulled out of his thoughts. A big sweaty hand was now weighing on his shoulder. It was Peter. He had not looked yet, but Jimmy knew.

"Right so I'm gonna need you to get your act together." His heavy hand gave Jimmy a hard pat on his back, almost causing him to stumble forward.

"What act?" He questioned, looking slightly irritated. Peter's rudeness did nothing but worsen his already bitter mood. 

"That act." Peter shook his head and stepped away from him. "Just don't look like your fucking grandmother has been killed. This is supposed to be fun." The loud words slowly faded away as Peter disappeared off to bother someone else.

Jimmy usually did not have a problem with Peters complaining. He wanted everything about Led Zeppelin to be perfect, and if Peter had something to complain about, it was a sign that there was still work that needed to be done.

Today was different, though. Not only would the empty feeling not go away, but Jimmy was furious at himself for spoiling a big moment like this. It would be a shame if ten years all he could remember was how drained he felt.

Maybe he could give Charlotte a call after the first half of the show. Speaking to his daughter, Scarlet was bound to help, right? Jimmy convinced himself it would. The thought of eventually feeling better would be enough to motivate him through the first hours.

"Come on, Page! Get changed!" A man shouted while speed walking past the guitarist. He was right, he would have to go on stage soon.

Jimmy was about to make his way to the changing room when a tall figure stepped in front of him. Robert again.

"If it's this bad Jimmy, then maybe we should drop it." The singer seemed to express genuine worry for his good friend and band mate. Jimmy appreciated it and felt a positive energy run through his body. This was the effect Robert had on people.

"You know we can't. This is what we've been working towards." This was the first time Jimmy had spoken a full sentence since they left the plane. He could tell Robert was about to disagree.

"I'm fine." The words left his lips as he walked past and entered the changing room, preparing himself for a long night.

Trouble in the garden (Jimbert 🤏)Where stories live. Discover now