Jimmy's eyes scanned the room. It was dark, loud, and the air was hot and thick. He felt sweat drip from his forehead as he puffed on a newly lit cigarette. He had not gotten time to shower between the performance and the party. Luckily, the smell of alcohol, cigarettes and hairspray made it impossible to recognise the sweaty scent around him.

He was looking for Robert. They were an hour into the party. The two had spoken in the beginning, but Robert had disappeared shortly after. Jimmy was impatient. He was looking forward to spending time with Robert. He could not bare waiting any longer.

He decided to do a lap around the room. He checked every corner, every couch, and any other place where Robert could be. Still, he could not find the man. Jimmy sighed, had Robert forgotten about their planned meeting?

Jimmy left the room. There was one last place which he had not looked. Robert's room.

He hurried down the hallway, his eyes locked on Robert's door. He had to take a moment to regain his breath before he knocked on the door. Three loud knocks.

No answer.

Jimmy sighed. How could he not be here either? That is when he notched the door was unlocked. Did Robert accidentally leave it open? Or was it a sign that Jimmy should go inside?

The guitarist suddenly felt a bad feeling wash over him. What if something was wrong with his friend? He quickly grabbed the door handle and stepped inside.

He instantly regretted his decision.

Nothing was wrong with Robert. He was perfectly fine. I'm front of Jimmy, on a bed, was the singer and two girls.

Jimmy stood there for a moment, eyes wide. Had Robert really forgotten? He had stood Jimmy up for two young girls whom he did not even know.

It was not as if Jimmy minded Robert having sex with other people. They both had wives. They both spoke to hundreds of girls every week.

Still, he felt a certain sense of betrayal rip through his heart. They were supposed to be alone right now. Jimmy had felt so happy, like a weight was lifted off his shoulder. All because he felt Robert truly cared and understood him.

As if it was not bad enough, one of the groupies spotted him. She giggled and said something about Jimmy joining them.

"You don't want that faggot in here." Robert's voice was unstable. He was obviously drunk and high off his mind.

Jimmy's heart sank. He could not believe what he had just heard. He bit his lip, trying to control it as it was beginning to tremble.

He could not just leave without saying anything. The girls would get suspicious and start talking. The last thing Jimmy needed was some ridiculous rumour about him being a fag.

"Glad to see you're not dead, Plant." His voice was sharp. Jimmy hoped with every ounce of his body that it would pierce through Robert's drunker stupidity and make him realise what he had done.

Nothing else was said. Jimmy left and continued down the hall to his own room. He was not stepping foot outside until he had to. He did not want to speak to anyone.

He slumped down on the bed. His face hidden in the soft silk covered pillows. And for the first time in all of Jimmy's career, he longed for his home. His family.

He had missed them before, but never in this way. He missed his beautiful house and garden. The black swans in the water. He missed his bedroom where he could always hide without fearing anyone disturbing him.

And Scarlet. He missed her bright smile and bubbly laugh. A sudden guilt washed over him. She was only two years old and he was already leaving her for months at a time. This worsened Jimmy's mood. He now even found himself missing the two Persian cats which Charlotte and Scarlet had been begging him for. Their soft fur always relaxed him as he petted and groomed them.

All he wanted was to go home. Sadly, it was the one thing he could not do. Jimmy was selfish, but not that selfish. Him and his band had worked hard to get here, and the fans had been waiting for ages. He could not leave now.

He sat up and dragged a hand down his face. Tears were forming in his eyes. Jimmy hated crying. It made him feel weak, like he was begging for pity. Right now, though, he could not keep it down. A tear rolled down his cheek. He immediately wiped it.

Suddenly, a thought struck Jimmy's mind. A thought which made him feel incredibly guilty. What he needed right now was something to numb his pain, and he knew exactly what. He stared at the closed drawer by his bed, hating himself for still allowing access to the substance.

He was going to stop it. It was no good, he knew it. He had to end it, for Scarlet. Jimmy was not strong enough.

When moments like these hit him, Heroin was exactly what he needed.

He opened the drawer, his mind racing. He knew this would cost him so many things. His sanity, his body, and family. Right now Jimmy did not care. He was desperate.

The weight and the worry washed away the moment he felt the warm liquid enter his veins. He was on the floor, back against the wall. His head tilted back, lips parted. He felt his eyes close. This feeling of euphoria blew all of his worries away. He knew it was temporary, he knew that more than anyone. The problem was that he did not care. Not in this moment.

The silence was cut by a loud ring. The phone was shaking and screaming, it made Jimmy's head pound. He groaned in annoyance. His room number was supposed to be secret. Why in the world would anyone be able to call him?

He ignored the ring until it stopped. A relieved sigh leaving his mouth as he once again closed his eyes. Unfortunately, his rest was cut short by the phone again. The loud ring filling his ears.

Jimmy planted his palms into the floor in an attempt to get up. He stumbled back down immediately. What a miserable excuse for a man he was. Now his only option was to crawl against the dark wood floor.

After finally reaching his destination, Jimmy reached out to the phone, holding it up against his ear. He was too annoyed, the thought of talking to any crazy fan made his blood boil.

"Fuck off, leave me alone." He loudly slurred, hoping it would scare the caller away.

A long silence followed. Who was this? Why were they messing with him now? Jimmy was about to shout another like of insulting words when the caller finally spoke. His face dropped in horror.


Trouble in the garden (Jimbert 🤏)Where stories live. Discover now