"I thought so."

Jimmy's shoulders sank. He was more confused than ever. He still hadn't figured out what these feelings were. At the same time, though, he felt relieved. Robert was on his side. He wasn't alone.

"I don't know Robert."

Jimmy shook his head again, looking defeated. Robert frowned. It was clear Jimmy wasn't as excited as he thought. "I'm sorry-" He began.

"No," Jimmy stopped him "It's not your fault Robert. I'm just confused." He looked away. Robert took a step closer to him and lifted a hand to Jimmy's chin. He carefully pulled it back to face him.

"Don't waste our time being confused. Kiss me instead." He demanded. The guitarist looked shocked for a moment. Never in a million years had he thought he'd hear his best friend say that.

Nothing more was said. Their lips connected into a soft, yet hungry, kiss.

Robert snaked his arms around Jimmy's slender waist, pulling him as close as possible.

The kiss didn't last long. It was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"And that's our queue." Robert sighed, his arms still around the other man. Jimmy closed his eyes and dropped his head to Roberts shoulder. He wanted to memorise everything about this moment. Robert's smell, the way his embrace felt, his warmth and his voice. Jimmy was afraid that he'd forget all of it if he stepped away too early.

"What's taking so long!? You fuckin' or somethin'?!" Peter's loud voice pierced through the door. Jimmy immediately pushed himself away from Robert, afraid that Peter would come inside.

Luckily, he did not.

"We have to go." Jimmy scratched the back of his head and Robert fixed his hair nodding. "We'll chat later." The guitarist hurried out, quietly apologising to Peter as he walked past the manager. Peter only waved his hand and said something about how important it is to be on time.

Jimmy blocked him out. He wanted to be focused. He wanted to do well.


Once again the atmosphere was amazing. Jimmy felt like a god when playing on stage. The screaming fans and loud music felt like a great high.

This time was slightly different, though. Jimmy's view on Robert had now completely changed. He suddenly found himself seeing the singer the same way a groupie would. He paid attention to Robert's body. The way his hips moved. He noticed every little rasp in his voice and every little twist in his face.

It excited Jimmy. Was this the motivation he had always needed?

The only downside was what it did to him. Jimmy noticed how his own body would react in these moments of excitement. He fought hard to keep his face neutral as he felt a heat form between his legs.

He had to look away from Robert several times to stop himself. He could not be caught with a hard on in the middle of a show.


Finally, it was time for a break. The guitarist rushed of stage. What he didn't know, was that Robert was rushing after him.

Jimmy entered the bathroom. No one else was there. He washed the sweat off his face and ran a hand through his hair. He looked exhausted.

Surprisingly, he did not feel as bad as he looked. Madison Square Garden no longer made him feel claustrophobic. He was finally able to enjoy the feeling of being here. The glorious of having made it was getting to him. He was happier.

Robert appeared behind him. Jimmy jumped. "Fuck," He sighed in relief when he saw who it was. "I didn't see you." He turned around to face the blonde.

Robert chuckled, slightly tilting his head to the left. "You're giving me trouble, Jimmy." His expression now turned serious.

Jimmy raised an eyebrow. "Trouble?"'

Robert quickly nodded down. Jimmy's eyes followed to see Robert's crotch. A surprised look formed on his face. He looked back up. "Did anyone notice?"

Robert shrugged. "I don't know. It doesn't matter though." He stepped closer to Jimmy. "You did this to me, it's up to you to fix it."

Jimmy swallowed. This was a bad idea. Whatever they did, the chances of them getting caught were high. Of course, he could refuse. Robert was a good man and Jimmy knew he would understand. Still, the way Robert looked at Jimmy, made him want to do it.

He slowly got down on his knees in front of Robert. He reached up, unbuckled the singers belt, and opened his pants to reveal his dick. It was rock hard.

Jimmy stared at it for a moment. His eyes wide. He bit his lip and wrapped one hand around it, slowly and gently pulling it.

Robert's head tilted back, a pleasured sigh escaping his lips. Jimmy leaned in and sucked the tip. He had no idea how to do this. He was used to receiving blowjobs from groupies, but being the one giving was new. He hoped he was doing alright.

Jimmy slowly took in more of Robert's dick. The singer was groaning. He knew he had to be quiet, so he raised a hand up to his mouth and bit down to stop himself from making noise.

Jimmy continued sucking and massaging, looking up at Roberts face. He was struggling with keeping his own excitement down. The sounds and faces Robert was making were beautiful to him.

After a while, Robert felt himself getting closer. Jimmy noticed and sped up his motions. A louder groan escaped Robert as he came into Jimmy's mouth.

Jimmy swallowed it and wiped his mouth. He fixed Roberts pants and belt and stood back up. Robert's face was hot and red. He was panting. "Thank you..." He gave Jimmy a satisfied smile.

Jimmy nodded, a small smile forming on his lips too. This connection with Robert was special. He wanted to stay here with him forever.

They both leaned in and felt a long, heavy kiss. Once again it felt dangerous to pull away. Jimmy wanted the feeing of Robert's lips on his own to be permanent.

When they finally pulled away, Robert's cheeks were tinted pink. Most likely from the hot air which was now between the two.

The singer coughed and fucked his hair. "The after party later. Let's leave early." Robert suggested. "Meet me in my room an hour after it starts."

The guitarist nodded again. "I'll talk to you then."
He said as he turned around and left the bathroom, hiding a smile.

Trouble in the garden (Jimbert 🤏)Where stories live. Discover now