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MiHee's face is flushed red at the touch, and her body seems weak and exhausted at this point, but there's still a big smile on her face. She nods in response to the women question, though her head is still a bit foggy and it takes her a moment to find the words. "Y-yeah... yeah I'm fine..." She finally manages, burying he head into the women's chest a little as she tries to collect herself again.

"You seems tired, shall we go to your room and rest, hmm?" The women asked gently with a calm and soft voice which is definitely makes MiHee calm. She close her eyes.

"Yes.. please..."She said slowly but loud enough to hear by the women. With that, she covered MiHee body with her own coat and get out from the office, start walking toward MiHee's room. Of course she asked MiHee's subordinate about it. As she get inside, she close the door and softly put MiHee on the bed.

"Nghh.. so comfy.." MiHee said half asleep. That's make the women giggles.

"Is that so?" she asked and kisses MiHee's forehead softly. "Is there anything else you want, my love? Hmm?" She asked while stroking her hand on MiHee's hair. The girl purring as the women do so.

"Can you turn off the light... for me?" MiHee asked with a gentle yet sleepy voice. The women giggles. "Of course, my love~"

She switched off the light and smiling yet smirking appears on her lip, she went out from MiHee's room and close the door slowly. She walk toward the living room and found a guy that looks a bit different from others, she smirked and walks toward him.

The women handed few papers toward the guy makes he look up to see the women face. "The fuck is this?" He said while glaring at the women.

She seems a bit piss off by the guy tone, but didn't choose to make a fuss so she tried to calm herself. "My information. As soon as MiHee wakes up, she will ask you to search for my information." She said.

The guy stares at the paper. "Why the fuck should I believe you by this paper? You probably putting some fake information in it!" He yelling.

The women sigh. "Listen here, you little fuck. I tried to make your work much easier since I already knew what happen, if you don't fucking believe me then go on, search it by your fucking self." she said and threw the paper on that guy face with a piss off expression on her face then walk away toward the door.

"I'm going out for a while. I will fucking come back before MiHee wakes up." She said angrily and shut the door off, the guy completely stunned by the women action, is she not scared? He is a mafia..? The right hand of strongest mafia..??!

The women just walk off like nothing happen, then her phone suddenly ringing and she take it.


"Kanna, I swear to fucking dick where the fuck are you?! Have you gone insane?!! Where have you been??!!"

"Shut the fuck up."

As she said it, the women cut off the call and went toward somewhere she wanted to, maybe buy some food for MiHee or something.

To Be Continued

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