Chapter 6

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Australia heard screeches behind her "Who the fuck is that?!" Peru groaned as she stopped kicking the ball and looked back. Peru's face turned into a shocked and worried face "Oh no" Peru blurted out, Australia looked back too and saw Brazil and South Korea in a heap of bloody mess.
Ehehehe I'm putting blood in this story ಠ⁠‿⁠ಠ
"W-what!" Australia ran towards them with Peru following closely, Portugal and Argentina ran towards them too. "Doctor!!" US yelled out, eventually a doctor came onto the field, it was Switzerland. "Oh my!" Switzerland gulped as he neeled down looking at the lump of bodies. "I need help carrying both of them" Switzerland  yelled out, of course Portugal,Argentina and Australia came over to pick up Brazil. Switzerland, US and Peru picked up South Korea.

Smol chapter becuz am not motivated ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ

Australia looked down at Brazil's body that was patched up, his eyes were still shut. Argentina walked into the room. Australia and Brazil are in the sick bay in the soccer field. "Is Brazil ok?" Argentina asked leaning on the wall.

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