Chapter 11 (Hey I'm alive)

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I'm alive yayayayaya! The eye surgery was... fine. I'm happy with it and now one of my eyes is not a little bit crooked anymore yey. I recovered quickly like very. Took me 2 days too! I'm surprised but it was a small surgery they just nudged the eye a bit. Anyway I know you guys hate me bragging about my life sooo here is chapter 11!

Brazil grabbed the pillow in the bed which was the hard one. He then threw it in Australia face making feathers fly in the air. "Brazil I told you!!" Australia yelled while throwing a pillow in Brazil's face.  Another INTERUPTION now we are switching to a few weeks later. Look is saved you from a dirty mind so yay for you? ANYWAYS is this my second time I said anyways ooops now third let's just get on.

Australia looked at Brazil who was humming to this song. They were at the club bar thingy... it had a big stage like big. The countries sang there, it was a part of the club/bar
where it was a VIP section. Somehow there was only CountryHumans in it with the bar tenders Mexico and Italy. "Ele te bota soca soca...." Brazil sang again quietly that Australia couldn't here the rest of the song(AAAY a Interrupting author again I know this song and it Brazilian funk... Don't translate it!) Australia sighed and looked at the performers, Russia, South Africa, India and China. That fuckwit Australia thought as they walked down the stage stairs. This time at the bar/club they were singing Brazilian songs or to be exact at the language Portugese. At the edge of Australia's eye she saw Brazil get up then walk into the stage. Everyone looked at him but then he disappeared in the shadows of the stage.

Then the song started Brazil and Uruguay walked on the stage boring.... Boring.... Boring. Australia sighed but then the song got that phonk in it the beat dropped and it was amazing for Australia's mind. Australia didn't know what it meant but she knew it was about... Erm.... Stuff~. Australia watched the dancing, she knew it was about stuff. Probably 18+, but then I went too far. Australia didn't know if Brazil was supposed to look at Uruguay's ass but Australia just sat and watched.

When the song finished Brazil went off the stage with Uruguay but then walked to the changing room, "What is he doing?" Australia whispered to herself but then New Zealand who was sitting next to her replied back. "He's sneaking with Uruguay in the changing room... That's not good and without talking to you that's really bad" Australia gulped and scratched the back of her neck, "He's better not doing what I think he's doing..." A growl in her voice.

Brazil exited the changing room after a while with a smirk on his face as he looked at Uruguay who was very shorter than him. Australia looked everywhere at Uruguay's body and at her neck there was a.... Love Bite. "Shit" New Zealand whispered, all Australia wanted to do was to beat Brazil up with a knife but she knew she couldn't. Brazil sat back down in the seat he was sitting on next to Australia and smiled at her, "Did I do good?~" With a tone that he just did something bad. Australia just acted like it never happened, "Yeah, even though I didn't understand anything at all" Brazil raised on eyebrow, "You should know~" Australia then sighed and looked at the ground again. "Are you okay?" Brazil asked with a curious face, "N-no- Brazil of course not" Australia groaned. Brazil was about to ask why but then Australia stood up to go sing whatever. She learnt this so "Tubároa the amo"(did I spell it right?)Mexico was on it too but Australia decided to give it a twist, she told Mexico about everything Brazil did and they had a plan. Mexico and Australia did a dance that was really 18+ for karma. So they did it which made Brazil spit all the beer out that he drank.

As Australia got home all she wanted to do was break up with Brazil so in the middle of the night she packed her things and left to USA's.

Australia knocked on Ame's door and was greeted by Russia who was drunk again. Ame- heard all about what Brazil did so he let Australia stay.

Switching too Brazil's POV at 6:30am and Aussie left at 11:00pm

Brazil opened his eyes to see Australia not there. "Australia?!" Brazil shouted, "Aussie?!" Brazil got up and looked inside the kitchen but all he saw was a note. It said:
Dear Brazil,
I saw what you did with Uruguay at the party last night, you gave her a love bite. So I'm breaking up with you I never want to see you again

From Australia your used too be girlfriend.
PS: don't come looking for me!

End note

Brazi banged the table "BULLSHIT BRAZIL WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!?!!!!?!" Brazil yelled out and fell to the ground crying. "W-why Australia y-you w-were my w-hole life?!" He sobbed and then pulled himself up, he grabbed a knife and stabbed it in his arm and then he fell to the ground... Fainted.

"Brazil?!" A familiar voice sobbed, he opened his eyes to see Portugal and Spain shaking him. "Mom-Dad?" Brazil smiled and leaned in to hug them. "Son never do that again!" Portugal yelled a tear falling from her eye. "Never suicide" Spain growled, "Who made you do this?!" Brazil didn't want to say Australia because then she will be dead and he still loves her. "A-Australia" Brazil blurted thinking that's all he could say right now. "Her..." Spain grumbled "I will be right back-"

Brazil leaned on the couch flicking through the tv, his mum and dad let him go back to his own house thank god he thought. Then it was the news... It said a car crash happened near Brazil's street! A car purposely ran over a human... Brazil noticed that human! He looked closely to see it was Australia in her human transformation. The car that ran her over was his father Spain's car. "Dad.... YOU BITCH I HATE YOU!!!" He screamed at the tv. Then knocking came at his door and Brazil opened it to see India looking at him with concerned eyes. "Are you okay?" India asked. "NO ON THE NEWS MY DAD SPAIN PURPOSELY RAN OVER MY EX GIRLFRIEND AUSTRALIA?!!!!!!!" Brazil yelled, India looked in shock "You and Australia broke up?!" Brazil nodded. India gave him a hug even though India was so short he was a strong hugger. "I'm sorry Brazil"

Omg it's the end and it 7:30 hope you enjoyed this one!

CountryHumans Australia X Brazil (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now