Chapter 3

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The three friends walked through the school gates and talked with each other well just J and Jamena. Mystery girl was in her own thoughts and wasn't paying attention to her surroundings and bumped into the school bully "Watch where you're going stupid" Brandon told her off as he kept walking, she kept her head down and kept walking to her marine science class. J and her friend watch from behind her and were worried for her since she never acted like this before, Jamena went up to mystery girl "Hey what was that about? Why didn't you say something to that guy?" She asked her in a worried tone " Oh I just don't want to cause problems this year" Mystery girl said in a soft voice. "I just don't want to cause problems this year that's it " Mystery girl was not feeling it that day, she just walked into the class and took her seat while J looked at Jamena "Come on let's go sit down and give her time to cool off " he said as they both took their seats as the teacher walked into the classroom and set down his bag. The class went as normal except that mystery girls' phone was blowing up from messages from her friends, "what is happening now?"  she responded to the group chat between her junior year friends plus Jamena who is a senior. "Jamena said that you don't look the same and we're trying to get your attention" Parker texted and then her other friend Brenda chimed, and they all asked her questions, and it was to the point where mystery girl turned off her notifications and put away her phone in her bag. Soon the class ended, and mystery girl stayed behind for a little longer for the past notes as J stayed behind by the door to walk her to class, he knew who sent the guy to pick on her, it was her ex-boyfriend Marcus who she cheated on and he wasn't happy about it and neither were his friends. Mystery girl walked out of class and put her notes in her messenger bag "Hey ready to go to art?" he asked her as he looked at her "Oh..yeah sure I don't mind" she answered his question, J helped her with her bag and they walked off to the art room which was the hallway next to their marine science so not a far long walk. Once they entered their class mystery girl just took her bag back from J and grabbed her art project and walked went to her seat who was right next to J 'Damn it! he sits in the same damn table How could I forget!' She mentally scolded herself, J sat a seat from her according to the seating chart the teacher made and well it was silent except for the other seniors in the class, they were loud and finished their art projects on time again which annoyed mystery girl since she couldn't take hers home due to her siblings. she decided to focus on her project, but little did she know J was taking small glances at her and her project, He really liked her, but he didn't know how to tell her. He went back to his own project, and everything was peachy for both of them.


words: 562 

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