Chapter 5

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He turned to her a bit at a red light "I don't care what you do with yourself, I want you to be yourself okay?" He assured her as she nodded and saw her house up ahead, J slowed down and parked near the front of the driveway "we have arrived " Mystery girl nodded and grabbed her things and was about to ready but J handed her a piece of paper with his number on it "Here my number " He said "Thank yo-" She was cut off by J....He was close to her face that their lips almost touching each other's. J stopped himself from almost kissing her in which Mystery girl got her thoughts together as she grabbed her bag and got of J's car, she was a blushing mess, mystery girl went inside her house where she saw her mother smiling which was rare for her "what?" She asked her mother "Who was that boy that dropped you off?" Her mother asked "Oh...him.." She paused for a moment "He's just a friend mama don't get to excited " Mystery girl told her mother as she went to her bedroom to work on her art project. While mystery girl worked on her project J left and thought of the small moment he had with mystery girl, he felt his face get hot and his heart beating faster than ever he has never felt this way before even with a girl. J made it home which he realized that he didn't live that far from mystery girl, when he entered his house he was greeted by his younger brother "Hey how was school?" He asked J "Oh it went well why?" J questioned "It's because your friend the really short one she posted on her instagram story and it was of her and one of her friends being all red and hiding her face as if she's shy or embarrassed, so what did you?" He asked J as he stayed silent for a but then spoke "..I may or may have not tried to kiss her when I dropped her off" He confessed and went to his room "bro! Why would you do that? I thought you were joking when you told me that" J's little brother exclaimed as he was very shocked "Dude it's not that big of a deal and I told you I wasn't going to chicken out, remember my friend dared me to make the ugliest girl fall for me" J told his younger brother. His younger brother smacked the back of J's head "That's for making a poor innocent girl fall for you dude, can't believe your doing it for 20 bucks" His younger brother told as he went to his room leaving J alone making him feel bad about it. 


words: 470 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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