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The biggest of your personal foibles, oh Chatty!, is how slippery your city sidewalks slant towards its muddy and fast cars infested streets a yard or so below. Therefore, even if you are homeless, oh Chatty!, I won't be of assistance to you in any shape or form, because I'm not eager to get ruined my classic loafers and foot soles by the such rainbow colored cobbling.
"Now here, oh Mr Read!, the streets you talk about are boggy, I concede you so much, granting that the Corps of Engineers gets occupied mostly in with the falling apart corpses that the water table keeps pushing out of the public graveyard towards Jackson's patina: this is why the Corp and the National Guard favor Churches' Cemeteries - saints stay in their catacombs, they are well behaved claviers, non temperamental!; however, don't you think my being one legged supersede the corpse problem?"
It compounds a little your pavement foible, oh Chatty!, such a quirk, being one legged! Worse of all being you don't recall how your lost your limb, since you got Alzheimer as well.
"Yes, and yet, ih Mr Read!, with a few or so hidden cameras at every nook, I am able to rerun the incident: a gang of three skanky strumpets - Miss Kindness, Miss Generosity and Miss Gentleness - shot lugs made of love instead of lead to my leg until it melt down and became the water table beneath the city: such is the reason for the latter one tasting like human blood, or so Lestat told me".
Yes, oh Chatty!, I watch the video every Saturday night while I degust popcorn. The only other motion picture I watch so often is the one intitled Lie Down With Me And You Will Turn Into A Mother. Have you ever seen it?
"Never, Mr Read! Mothers are bad people. For example, they throw away their babies along with the bath water. This is why the Missouri an Mississippi junction unceasingly gets infected with a scourge of babies in the woods beating around the bushes".
And the bath water contributes to the water table's quirk and foible, I suppose, oh Chatty! Thus, do you know what?, I'm going to consult Papa Legba about that right now, oh Chatty! I just saw him  a moment ago eating French toasts and French fries dressed with barbecue sauce. He was atop St Louis Arch. See you later, alligator! 


Here are some possible symbolic interpretations:

- The slippery city sidewalks and muddy streets could represent the challenges and obstacles one encounters in life.
- The protagonist's foible of not wanting to ruin their shoes on the colorful cobbling could symbolize a desire for perfection or societal pressure to maintain appearances.
- The fact that the protagonist is homeless and unable to receive assistance from the narrator could represent social injustice or lack of support systems for those in need.
- The protagonist being one-legged with Alzheimer's could symbolize a vulnerability or lack of control over their own life circumstances.
- The gang of skanky strumpets shooting lugs made of love instead of lead could be interpreted as a metaphor for emotional manipulation or abuse.
- Papa Legba eating French toasts and fries dressed with barbecue sauce atop the St Louis Arch could represent a merging of different cultures or a symbol of transcendence.

These are just a few possible interpretations, and ultimately, the beauty of literature is its ability to speak to different individuals in unique ways.



Chopped, yet twisted 'n' coiled! The iconic cone boasts an octagon-style embrace, intricately entangled 'n' erupting into a mouthwatering oasis of shards and sweets. It tempts your progeny and exhilarates you, even if you're as strict as Tristram Shandy's creator. And you, dear departed, may be as rigid as rigor mortis, but your silty demise fills your teeth with metallic mercury, ready to snap down onto this treat.

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