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The first thing that Choi Soobin heard before waking up, was his annoying alarm clock ringing loud trough his mind. He groans tired and reaches for the clock, with his eyes shut.

He swipes his blanket away from his body to stand up and starts walking slowly to the washroom. He looks at the bathroom mirror, above the sink.

His blonde hair and visual could make anyone fall in love with him. His body is perfectly slim and thin, and not to mention: really tall.

He is also an Actor and has played in various series and movies, but he never got the chance to be the main character. And it has been a while since he got a role in a series.

He swipes his thought away and starts getting ready for an early Tuesday.


He rotates his keys to lock his apartment and walks down the stairs swiftly. Before he goes out, he fiddles quickly with his hair and adjusts the brown leather jacket he's wearing. He sighs satisfied and opens the door.

He hears people chatting happily around every edge. The sun shines bright, the trees sing along with the wind and a bike was passing him by. "I hope this day ends up good." He walks on the road with his earphones plugged onto his ears.

Before he could cross a traffic light, his phone suddenly rung. He opened the email and received a message from his manager.

Dearest Soobin,
I've just booked a role for you for an incoming new series. I was able to squeeze u in as the main character! Great News isn't it? However..

"What?! I get to be the main character?!" He wants to burst out screaming and jumping around but he's in public. Soobin doesn't want to ruin his social status. His knees are shaking, his hands are in excitement, his smile shows his visible dimples.

He continues to read the message.

..However, it's a romantic series and I don't know if you would like to play in a romantic series. So that's why I'm here to ask you if you would like to take the role as Hwang Lee-nan? If you do, please come at ******** at 10AM. Make sure you arrive 10 minutes earlier, so you can get to meet the other casts!


"What?! A romantic series?" Soobin widens his eyes in disgust. There's not way that he would end up kissing a female lead! But it's his only chance as the main character.. he sighs. Maybe there wouldn't be a kissing scene and he will die happily instead.

Firstly, Soobin wants to meet the casts first and then let's see if he'll take the role. He shouldn't put in too much thought in this.. he turns off his phone and crosses the green traffic lights.



Soobin arrives early for the meeting and looks for his manager. Maybe he's inside the building. He opens the glass door and almost wanted to trip. This place is huge and luxurious! He has never seen something so purely.

"Ahem.. Greetings Soobin, so you decide to take the role as Hwang Lee-nan?" He turns around to see his manager talking to him in a polite manner. "Well, not really. I want to see the lore first. And the casts." Soobin's manager nods.

"Alright follow me then." Soobin and his manager walks in an elevator and they both wait awkwardly till they arrive on the 6th floor. He tries to avoid looking plain by looking around the elevator even though he was only seeing mirrors.

When he finally stepped on the 6th floor, he sees a room full of people. "There's the entrance. Let me know if you would like to play that role." Soobin nods and opens the door carefully.

He sees brand new faces. "Hello! Are you main character that plays Hwang Lee-nan?" A girl asks. Soobin slowly nods and gives her an awkward smile.

"We'll have fun playing as a queer!" The woman laughs joyfully. "W-What?" Soobin wanted to unhear what he just heard.

"This is a gay series?!"


Also a picture on how Soobin looks like

       Also a picture on how Soobin looks like

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I love blonde Soobin😍🙏


||Just an act? ||, ✩Soobjun/Yeonbin✩Where stories live. Discover now