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"This is a gay series?!" Soobin felt like he was going to faint. "This isn't getting any worse!"

"Damn. He also gets to play with a new actor too. I heard he was a retired  model-." Soobin couldn't hear it anymore. Him playing in a gay movie with romance and with a new actor. He felt his eyes dropping and fell on the floor. The blonde Korean has fainted.

Soobin felt his eyes open again and on that moment, he was laying on a bed, facing his manager with a worried expression. "Are you okay? You fainted while in the meeting." She measures his fever. "I-I'm fine.." he touches his forehead and scrunches his nose.

"Thank gosh. By the way, everyone's waiting for you in the room. They're all waiting for you to get better." Soobin shakes his head. "Manager, it's too much for me. You didn't tell me that I would play a gay role."

He continues. "I-I don't think I'll be able to play this role." The manager looks at him shocked. "Are you really sure? I put in so much effort to give you this role and besides, they made a deal with me that if you play as that role, they will promote you into becoming the main character more to agencies."

Choi Soobin opens his jaw shocked. Wow.. that's a really big event.. "if  quit, I don't think you will ever be main character ag-" "I'll take the role."

"Are you sure? I feel like this is against your willing." The manager asks one more time.

"I'll do it once. Once becomes twice. And twice becomes quadruple."

"Nice quote you got there Mr. Choi." The manager giggles.


The door opened and Soobin sat back down on his seat in silence. "Soo.." the female pouted her lips. "Are you going to take that role? Not gonna lie that role kinda suits you." A guy said teasingly. Soobin gave him a concerning grin and hit him on the arm with his elbow.

During the meeting another guy beside him, whispers in his ear. "Not to mention, you're pretty lucky to have that role. The other protagonist is pretty hot. Not in a homosexual way by the wa-!!"
"Okay, I don't pretty much care about their looks. I just want this series to be over it." "ASAP."

He looks around his casts, listening in carefully. "Alright, please treat Yeonjun well." The director opens the door and a tall guy was seen walking in confidently. Soobin can see his eyes wandering around the room.

"Oh my gosh Yeonjun!" The guy beside him shouts happily. He stands up and raises his eyebrows. "Beomgyu!" The 2 walk up at each other and give them a hug and a pat on the shoulder. "I didn't know you'd like to act."

"Same, I quit modeling so I'll decide to try and act." Yeonjun turns around to his new casts and give each of them a smile. Then he points at Soobin. "Soobin right? I've seen you in a lot of movies!" He walks up to Soobin and waited for their hands to shake.

The blonde male stayed silent and ignored his greeting. "I see. Nice to meet you." Yeonjun removed his hands. "Welcome to the team Mr. Choi. Surely you'll do great when acting for the first time." The moderator shakes his hand and sits back down on the chair.

"Please take a seat." The retired model grabs a chair and sits beside his friend, Beomgyu. "Alright you guys will start up in a week. I want you all to practice your lines. Please take these sheets." He hands them over.

"Any questions?" A woman raises her hands. "From which EP are these lines for?" "EP1-3, any further questions?" None seemed to raise their hands. "Alright you are free to leave."

Soobin was the first to leave immediately and presses a button to wait for the elevator to reach his floor. "Hello there again." He heard a mysterious voice trough his ears. He turns around to see the smiley Choi Yeonjun.

"Are you playing as Lee Hwang?" He asked Soobin rotates his body around to fully face Yeonjun and rolled his eyes. "Yes I am. And I'm assuming you play as my love interest?" The elevator door opened and they both walk inside.

The model grins. "Correct! Kim Jeonghoon. I've heard that you've been acting for over 4 years. Can we work together on this one?"


The Choi Yeonjun😍

                           The Choi Yeonjun😍

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