The Restaurant Incident.

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Priyanka was in a profound sleep but not ankit. His legs were hurting as he had stood on them the whole day.

He kept moving here and there and was now facing his back to Priyanka.

He still couldn't sleep as he wasn't facing Priyanka. So he turned again. Then again.. And again... Until his movementd broke Priyanka's sleep.

Priyanka: what are you doing?, she said in a sleepy tone.

Ankit: my legs hurts.

Priyanka: i told you to take rest...naa...

Ankit: yes ik... But Ravi sir wasn't allowing me to..., he said cutely.

Priyanka: come here.

He moved closer to her and she cupped his cheeks with her hands.

Priyanka: close your eyes.

He did so.

Priyanka: breathe in and breathe out.

He did just as she instructed.

Priyanka: forget about the pain. Just think of something that makes you happy...

Ankit: how can I forget about physical pain??

Priyanka: just don't think about it... Forget that it's paining... Don't pay attention to it.. And just think about something that makes you happy...

Ankit: you're the only thing that I can think of..

Priyanka:.. Try to think about something that brings peace to you... Like maybe a childhood memory.

Ankit:.. But you're the only one that makes me happy and feel peace... All I can think of is you.

She gave him a big bright smile despite being sleepy. His words just warmed her heart.

She then moved her palm on his face and he relaxed completely.
Soon he fell asleep again with her touch and small caresses.

Seeing him finally sleeping peacefully she drifted asleep also.

It was now 9am.. Priyankit were very exhausted after their last night rounds. But ankit was more tired as he shot non shot the whole day yesterday.

Priyanka woke up having ankit'arms around her.

A soft smile immediately appeared on her face seeing him asleep. She thought of not waking him up now as he was already exhausted and he need rest.

She slowly removed his hands off her and got free from his embrace. She then got out of bed furtively to her closet.

She wore her undies and her pj top that she was wearing last night.
She didn't bother to wear a short or something down.. As she knows that today only her and ankit Will be here.

She then went into her bathroom to brush her teeth and freshen up.

She went into the kitchen and started preparing breakfast for her and ankit.

She made omelets, smoothies, a big bowl of fruits and pancakes.

She then settled everything on the table and went to wake anki up.

He was in a very deep sleep that he didn't even know when priyanka woke up.

She thought of waking him up gently and softly. Lied next to him on her side and watched ankit sleeping on his stomach.

She then place her hand on the back of his head and caressed it softly.
She then tapped his shoulder gently saying "ankii.... Wake up".

Finally after a lot of attempts she succeeded into waking him up. But he was still struggling to open his eyes fully.

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