Sick At 4

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End of shoot... Finally..

Ankit went to his penthouse exhausted but in one piece... Thankfully.

His coughs and sneezings weren't stopping at all...

He went to take a hot shower and came out only 30mins later...

The hot water did make him feel better.
Now he needed to drink something hot... And what's better than his ginger tea.

While making his tea.. He recalled to call priyanka...

He took his phone and face timed her...
Then came to his dining table and leaned the phone against a jar.

It was past midnight but pari wasn't sleeping... She was waiting for ankit to call her...

She was in bed, lying down and scrolling through some reels on Instagram..
When ankit face timed her...

She quickly got up and turned on the lights...

She then sat at her dressing table and answered the call...

... On face time...

Ankit: hellloooo..., he said in a tired voice.

Priyanka: hiii,

Ankit: cchgghhff... Wha...ccffghhh...what took you so long to answer?, he said while coughing in between.

Priyanka: are you still sick????, she asked in a concerned voice.

Ankit: arree babaa... Don't worry am..cchgghhff... Am fine.., he coughed again in between..

Then Priyanka was going to talk.. But he started to cough uncontrollably.... Which got her Hella worried...

Priyanka: ankiii!!... Yaar... Did you take medicines???, her worriness wasn't only seen on her face but could be heard through her voice.

Ankit: no... Not.. Yet.. I aacgh.. I'm drinking ginger tea...

Priyanka: pagal.. Go take some meds now... Else you won't be able to sleep at night..

Ankit:... I Will...but first let's talk a bit...

Priyanka: no no.. First you go take your medicines... You aren't even able to talk properly without coughing every 2 seconds.

Ankit: fine... Wait here...

He left but the call was still on..
He took some paracetamol and came back to Priyanka.

Priyanka: why are you drinking this?.. It's for fever only... Are you having fever???

Ankit: yeah.... But before you start yelling at me... Let me tell you it is not my fault.. I didn't drink any cold stuff today... But i had rain scenes to do.. So i got drenched..

Priyanka:... Anki.. Plz take care of yourself... Warna... I'll take a flight and come there myself...

Ankit: plz do...!!, he said in a baby voice.

Priyanka: shut up... Do whatever you want.. But you have to get well as soon as possible....

Ankit: I'll be better if you come here...

Priyanka: you know that's not possible rn... But we'll meet after two weeks.

Ankit pouted as if 2 weeks felt like 200years to him.

Priyanka: it's 2 weeks... Not 200...

Ankit: still... I don't think I'll be able to survive...

Priyanka: don't be so dramatic.... You'll be here after two weeks... Standing on your feet...

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