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AUGUST 28 2017
6 years ago.

"Jesus christ Tomlinson. Hurry up!" The bearded man snapped, pushing the boy forward towards the bank. The older man had a cigarette in between his thin lips, impatiently waiting for Louis to start the heist. The 23 year old male grumbled, slipping his mask and gloves on swiftly before making his way towards the small bank.

Talia, the groups backup, began to play UNO with her cousin Tao in the back of the van while smoking weed.

"You think he's gonna make it out?" Tao giggled, placing down a card making Talia sigh. Tao passed her the joint, which she grabbed, as she began to shuffle her own cards.

"Probably not, he's gonna come back with another scar I bet" Talia huffed, slamming her last card on the floor.

"UNO!" She cheered, everyone's head turned, making her go red.

Louis made his way around the back of the building, somehow managing to not catch anyone's attention. He began to chew on the gum he had recently stored on the top of his tongue, trying his best to ignore the adrenaline and anxiety flooding his body.

"Power box.." The boy uttered, slowly peeking around the corner. Not seeing anyone, he walked towards the ladder that was leaning on the wall, leading up to the roof. Glancing down at his converses, he whined.

"These are going to get ruined, fuck me" Louis facepalmed, feeling stupid for wearing his favorite shoes to a messy heist. He began to climb the ladder, making sure to not look down, trying his best to avoid the fact he hated heights. Like, he despised them.

"Stupid Chris, making me do this mission. Why the fuck do I have to do the difficult ones?" Whispering to himself, Louis realized that he had finally made it to the roof. Looking around, the male noticed a small box surrounded by spider webs and electrical wires.

"I better get paid well for this" He complained, trying to step over any dangerous looking wires.

When he made it in front of the box, he tightened his mask, not wanting any risks for this mission. He pulled his gloves up as far as they could go, sitting on his knees as he slowly started to sort out the plugs for the box.

After a few minutes, Louis had completed his first task of disabling the CCTV cameras. Now that he had ripped all of them out, he could finally get the important part started.

He grabbed his gun, making sure to keep it close to him as he shot through the glass windowed ceiling, catching everyone's attention. Louis watched customers run out, meanwhile staff hid behind the counter's calling for guards.

Louis dropped through the ceiling, trying to jump over the sharp shards of glass on the floor with a smile on his face. Casually walking towards the tills, he took a glance around the small lobby, nodding in satisfaction.

"Nicely decorated, good work ladies!" He gleamed, jumping over the counter, shoving the female staff member's out of the way before shooting the cash registers, causing them to open revealing thousands of pounds. Eyes widening and jaw dropped, he steadily stored the stollen money into his duffle bag.

"Keep up the good work love" He stroked one of the ladies' hair before jumping back over the counter to leave. Though when he was about to leave the building, he stopped on his heels.

"Now, for such a difficult mission...this seems way too easy." Louis muttered, looking over his shoulder, soon spotted a tall figure far behind him, staring directly at him. Huffing, he turned on his heels, duffle bag in hand with a grin on his face.

"What's the BFG doing here?" Louis exclaimed, it was a known fact that Tomlinson was a tease. He in fact didn't know exactly who this guys was, but he guessed that he wasn't a rival since he hadn't attacked him yet.

The figure looked up, an ID badge dangling on the man's middle finger. Louis' face went pale, and his stomach dropped. That was his ID badge. But he knew damn well he didn't bring that to his heists. That badge was kept in his bedroom at his apartment.

He nervously laughed, stepping towards the slender man.

"Hey dude, I think you should-" Yet before he could finish, the man hushed him. A finger on his lips was apparently something that could shut up the ball of sunshine.

"Nuh uh uh, I'll be keeping this" The stranger's voice made Louis's stomach turn. It felt gentle yet so deep and mysterious. He had never heard someone's voice so calming. Confusion filled Louis' brain. Who was this man? And how the hell did he get a hold of his ID?

"Why would you want that" He whispered, interested.

The man chuckled, amused by the shorters' questions.

And with that, the strange figure walked straight past Louis. He kept his mouth closed, and just by that, Louis felt sick to his stomach. And that's when it hit him.

That man knew Louis' identity.

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