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AUGUST 28 2017
{same day}

"Keep going" He smiled, watching the other man slowly pass him stacks of money. The shaking man avoided the suited boy's eyes, petrified of the stories he had been told about Mr styles

"That's all I have Harry" The older man's voice shook, slowly looking up at Mr styles. He played with the hem of his shirt, waiting for his boss to speak. No one wants to disappointed Mr styles, there's a rumor that if you didn't pay back owed money to the Styles family, you'd be killed before being able to apologize.

The younger boy sighed, rubbing his temple.

"Eric, I gave you 3 months." The business man walked around his office, keeping eye contact with the in debt man who was currently standing in the center of of the room. He snatched a cigarette from his desk, lighting it up prior to walking over to Eric.

"I'm sorry Harry, I swear I'll do anything! I'll do more heists..! Or I can-" Eric quickly stopped talking when he felt Harry gripped onto his hair, taking the cigarette out of his mouth and bringing it closer to the older man's eye.

"Sorry isn't going to fix the fact you stole sixty grand from me, that you can't even pay back" Mr Styles spat. Plunging the lit cigarette to the other man's pupil, causing the man to cry out and hold onto the younger's arm.

Blowing out the smoke that was kept in his lungs, the dressed up man kicked his customer to the floor, turning to his two guards.

"Get him out of here, and make sure he doesn't come here again" He demanded. The two guards nodded, taking a hold of the crying man's arms and dragging him out.

Mr styles sighed, looking out of the big window in front of his desk. He wondered how he would earn all of that money back. Well, if he were to be honest, all he'd have to do is open the casino for a few more hours and it would be easy money. But oh how boring that would be.

Picking up a sheet of paper, he read through. Shivers ran down his spine, anger filling his body.

'There was a robbery at your bank, everything is gone.'

"Fuck" He ripped the paper, grabbing a hold of the closest things near him, throwing it around the room. He had now lost more than two billion pounds. That's a lot. He knew he'd get the money back one way or another, yet there was a tight feeling in his chest.

Unbuttoning his dress shirt, he threw it on the office chair next to him. He snatched a silk black button up from one of his drawers. Some people may question this, they'd think it's odd to keep spare clothes in your office. But when in Harry Styles' position, you had to be prepared for messy business.

Buttoning it up half way, he glanced to the time on his opened laptop. It was 10pm.

Show time.

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