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"Bloody hell love, calm down" I blurted out as a younger lady grabbed me from my seat, causing me to stumble my way out of the plane. I heard the woman sigh while pulling my shirt.

My wrists were hurting from the cuffs around them, and I had some sort of headphones stuck to my head to make sure I couldn't hear whatever crap they were chatting. My headache got worse as the white noise blared through my ears, and my throat was hurting since I hadn't drunk anything since I was forcefully taken from my apartment.

"So where exactly am I?" I looked around the empty looking airport. What sorta airport is empty? I noticed it didn't look like a British airport so I made sure to note down any signs I see.

The woman turned on her heals and grabbed the headphones, taking them away from my head with a look on her face. The poor woman looked tired and drained, so I decided to just shut up.

"Please, shut your mouth before I strangle you with these" She held up the white headphones, a fed up expression covering her face. Intimidating.

I nodded, watching her put the headphones away in her backpack before grabbing my shirt and dragging me through the building.

I had absolutely no clue what the hell was going on. I woke up, duck tape on my eyes and mouth while being thrown over someone's shoulder. Then I woke up again on a plane with headphones on my head whilst being surrounded with 3 suited people.

After 15 minutes of stumbling around different room and machines, I was finally greeted by the light of the outside. Even though it felt like the evening, it was still fairly bright outside.

Before I could process anything, I was being pushed into a black van. The same lady following behind me as she sighed, turning to me.

"Right, I'm gonna talk you through everything." She murmured. I felt the car start to move, but I just nodded at her. Nerves started to get the best of me, I felt vulnerable.

"Around 26 hours ago, you robbed the Manchester Lake Bank. The boss found your identity blah blah blah" She continued on, yet my ears blocked out any noise forward on.

'Fuck' I thought, I was promised that I'd be safe during these heists. My head fell, disappointed in myself for trusting my own boss.

"..he's probably gonna make your life a living hell so just don't say stupid shit" My head came up at that sentence, my eyes widening.

"What do you mean, living hell? I thought I was being arrested or some shit" I questioned, she giggled at my words but shook her head.

"He's quite literally the opposite of the feds" She stated, I groaned. Anxiety filled my body as my leg started to shake. Normally I would stay calm in such situations, but being taken somewhere in a black van while being told someone is about to fuck your life up isn't information that I take lightly.

"Can you untie my hands at least?" I uttered, turning my back to her. She hummed, untying me before taking a pistol out. I scrambled away, frightened at the action. She too jumped again, pistol in her hand.

"The hell are you gonna do with that?!" I whispered, terrified.

"I just released you, I need something to protect myself with you imbecile!" She facepalmed, looking at me as if I had just said the most stupid thing ever.

"I rob places, I don't kill people!" I argued, gripping onto the leather under me.

"You know how to fight! It's on your records" The armed lady responded, I froze.

"You read my records? You guys stalked me?!" I yelled, rubbing my eyes with my hands trying to calm myself down.

She stayed quiet, putting her gun away before laying her head comfortable on the seat.

"Am I going to be killed?" I mumbled, turning my head to her. She looked at me, scanning my face before shrugging her shoulders.

"If I'm totally honest with you Tomlinson, I've worked with him for almost my whole life and I still never know how he deals with you people" The brunette admitted, looking out the blacked out window next to her.

I let my chest fall, realising that I had been holding my breath for a while.

"Your whole life? How old are you?" I wondered. I noticed she thought about whether to answer me for a moment but she gave in.

"Nineteen. I'm nineteen" The suited lady yawned. I was honestly surprised, she looked at least 21. She seemed very mature but then a thought came to me.

"If your nineteen, when did you start working with him?" I started getting comfortable on the leather below me. So did she.

"I basically grew up with him but I became his assistant at the age of 14" She chuckled, I guessed she was recalling small memories. She looked happy for a moment, but quickly masked her smile.

I nodded, looking out the dark window.

"Can I ask you something?" I uttered, my eyes fluttering shut for a few seconds before facing the brunette who seemed to be waiting for my question. 

She nodded, humming.

"Why are you telling me this? Aren't you worried that I could use this information against you?" I questioned her, confused to say the least. Who trusts a stranger so quickly? 

The lady laughed under her breath, until she turned directly facing me.

"What makes you so sure you'll be alive to tell the tale?" I heard her chuckle again, most probably at the fear that filled my eyes.

"What? What do you mean by that?..." I got quickly cut off.

Suddenly, the car stops causing my heart to start racing. I quickly looked over at the dark haired lady, she looked at me with sympathy. My eyes was pleading for some sort of reassurance, but she didn't share any sort of helpful words.

"C'mon, lets get this over with" She insisted, I moved across the car to get out. My eyes squinted, getting used to my surroundings.

"Welcome to Citrus Casino, Tomlinson" A man with a thick Australian accent greeted me, walking towards the car. His arms out, a grin on his face. I sensed only bad vibes. My face grimaced at the smell of sweat and strong alcohol that came off his body.

"Hi?.." I let out, yet before I could look at the lady next to me for help. I saw pure black.

"Fuckin' brits."

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2023 ⏰

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