Golden Age

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Chapter 1:

³"AND this is the sword the Captain
of the Green Mantis, Captain Jack used in his battles. It was said to cut through anything if used correctly."

Awed gazes looked at the fang-shaped blade encased inside a glass box. It looked quite rustic now. Some parts of the blade are even chipped off.

Lots of clicks surrounded the object as cameras surrounded the glass box.

Looking up from her camera, (e/c) eyes looked at the blade with curiosity and awe. Yuna looked at the side of the object to find a description.

"Captain Jack The Ripper's Blade.

It is unknown when it was created, but due to studies it is approximated to be 400-500 years old."

'I mean, its no surprise its already rusting and chipping away.' The girl sweatdropped. Fixing her posture, she immedaitely followed the rest of the crowd to the next piece which was a painting.

It was huge, it was only one to two imches above the ground and the ceiling, making everyone look up at its height.

The portrait was embroidered with gold designs that also rusted, but the most impressing was the painting itself.

10 people stood in the painting. Each looked quite serious as they all wore rather expressive yet regal clothing. But the most noticeable were the insignia on each of their cape/coat.

"This is the painting of the Captains of the Clover Kingdom's Knight Squad 300 years ago, the very peak or the so-called 'Golden Era' of our nation."

"In the middle, this is Julius Novachrono, the 28th Wizard King."

Everybody turned to the blonde man in the middle. He garbed rather regal clothes, fitting for a king. A long red cape that covered his front with golden and white embroidery and details as a star tattoo of some sort is on the upper-left side of his head.

The guide continued, introducing each Captain on the side of the Wizard King. Before the guide moved on, one person from the crowd raised their arms in question making everyone turn to her.

"May I ask a question?"

"Yes of course, Miss."

"Everybody knows that almost everything we know about the past of The Clover Nation are unsupported by Scientists and Science itself. And when proven, it is does not fit with the narrative of what historians tell us. Would it be possible that the theory of magic existing back then become true and they managed to get the secrets of how to get it?"

Yuna looked at the person with wide eyes. That was indeed a good question in her own humble opinion.

Throughout the decades, relics, writings and other artifacts coming from not only the Clover Nation but from different parts of the world told some kind of story about magic, mythological creatures and other likes from which seemed to be pulled out of a fairytale.

Due to the technology and further progress of logic and science, these ideas were now frowned upon. People who believed in them were looked down upon as being childish and crazy.

Therefore, the real story of the past till this day is as blurry as a wet glass. It cannot seem to move forward with new informations being too farfetched from reality.

"Well, if you were to ask me, the idea of magic is pretty absurd, but really who knows? There are some things that we believe to be a myth but in the end turn out to be real. Only time can tell if magic is true or not, but for now all I can tell you are the things the heroes of the past did in order for us to live in peace today. And so to end this segment, everything I showed-"

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