Saviour With The Weird Hair

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Chapter 2

                  ²"IT'S okay Yuna, you're definitely okay. You are just growing CRAZY, okay? This is not true, this is not true, this is not true."

"Maybe if I close my"

You were indeed still in the streets, as people only looked at you as if you were losing your mind.

And you probably were, as you gripped your locks tight before rubbing it to hopefully tame the headache you were experiencing.

"Oh DEAR GOD, this is real!!"

Gripping the bricked wall, you managed to catch yourself before you fainted.

Thoughts about what happened on the museum ran through your mind as you clutched your camera closer to your chest.

But then, you realised something.

'My camera!'

You immediately opened it to find that its batteries were still full. Scrolling through its memory, you found all the pictures you took from the museum to past photographs you took.

'Am I supposed to feel relieved that I have my camera with me or scared that someone might see this?'

'If only I had my- my phone!!'

Rummaging through your bag, you let out a relieved exhale when you felt the familiar smooth screen of your phone.

Walking even deeper through the alleyway just beside you, you thought back harder on the current predicament you are in with great distress.

'Did I get isekai'd? No, isekai is transporting into a fictional world. This is real life, just in the past. But, can it still be classified as an isekai incident?'

You only shook your head at the silly thoughts before confirming that it was just time travelling.

Screw that, it wasn't a just. YOU JUST TIME TRAVELLED. TIME TRAVELLED. This is something huge.

Panting, you looked back to find that you were deep enough in the alleyway as no one was there except for you.

Opening your phone, you scrolled through everything. Apps, photos, videos, messages, and just everything as fast as your fingers could click.

Just like with your phone, everything was as it was, well except for the lack of signal you were receiving, but other than that it was the same as you remembered it.

But then, your phone vibrated as a message popped up in your notifications.

It was from an unknown number. Pressing the message, a chill ran down your spine as you read the one word the number sent.


It felt like some sort of horror movie as the person spammed your phone with that one word alone.






'What is going on?'

That was literally the only question that ran through your mind as your eyes ran through everything that was in your sight.

You were in a small alley with various stone and bricked buildings being your only protection from the eyes of the masses of commoners who would probably question your entire being.

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